Hey there product people of Mastodon. What are your hot tips for helping a time-selling business (aka consultancy) transition to a product-selling business? Assume the tech team is solid and funding is secured... this question is more about the wetware of the people involved.
#product #technology #productmanager #ProductMgmt #productmanagent #wetware #psychology #smallbusines #organisations
#product #technology #productmanager #productmgmt #productmanagent #wetware #psychology #smallbusines #organisations
I spent a whole weekend trying to get Linux Bluetooth to talk to the Muse2. I finally gave up and started hunting for a mobile app.
Once I saw the nature of the output, I gave up on the idea I'd correlate the data to other things. One's #wetware signals look like static basically.
What are you on? 🙀
not sure … but am wearing a map without directions. It is possible that reality is being interfered with, possibly using #FOSS or #Wetware plugged into several rifts in the #Continuum
will deploy #CounterIntuitive #Meditation tactics from :fedi: :mastodon: :nasa:
If that is inconclusive, will deploy #BioSphere
Do not follow any existing lines of … #LogOut
#foss #wetware #continuum #counterintuitive #meditation #biosphere #logout
I think the biggest hurdle I need to get over in learning to #code more quickly is just breaking the habit of thinking too much. I know that sounds like crazy talk since coding is THOUGHT WORK after all, but I feel like I really need to embrace "fail fast". Iterate iterate iterate. Better to try something, see it's wrong and try something else than stare at the code or a blank screen for 5 minutes while the clock is ticking.
Like, I got assigned a leetcode problem in an interview last week, and I think I did fine - convert Roman numerals to integers, but it took me WAY too long to see that the algorithm I was using was flawed because I was looping through the characters in the Roman numeral one by one, and in the case where 2 characters are subtracted to come up with the integer representation - e.g. CM for 900, that's just not gonna fly :)
Bugs in the #wetware are a bitch sometimes :)
⛩️ The Singularity Is Nigh
Es gibt wieder eine Growl-Competition. Diesmal nicht nur VOCALOIDs, sondern inklusive UTAUs.
Aber mal davon ab, wie nahe wir schon der SINGULARITY sind, merkt man daran, dass mit MAFUMAFU und SORARU ausversehen echte Wetwares in die Competition geraten sind.
Mein Favorit ist KAGAMINE LEN bei Minute 1:09
#wetware #vocaloid #utau #Kagaminelen #growl #singularity #mafumafu #soraru #hatsunemiku
#wetware #vocaloid #utau #Kagaminelen #Growl #singularity #mafumafu #soraru #hatsunemiku
My #DangerousThings package came in today! These two (#FlexDF Transponder, #xG3 injectable magnet) are going to join my old Vivokey(?) NFC chip under the skin in two days, maybe less, depending on mood! :bunny:
#wetware #grinders
#dangerousthings #FlexDF #xG3 #wetware #grinders
So I turn around for two seconds, and cyberise.me now have implantable magnets in stock! :thonking: