If Trump lands the nomination, the ballot will undeniably be Democracy v. Autocracy.
That’s a war this democracy can’t afford to lose. We’ve seen it all before.
#WeveSeenItAllBefore #DejaVu #DonaldTrump #Trump #PreserveDemocracy #Hitler #autocracy #authoritarianism #fascism
#Fascism #authoritarianism #autocracy #hitler #preservedemocracy #Trump #DonaldTrump #dejavu #weveseenitallbefore
Pictured: Trump meeting adoring fans at his Waco, Texas campaign rally.
#DonaldTrump #Trump #Waco #MAGA #GOP #Cult45 #HatefulHoiPolloi #PoisonedPopulism #WeveSeenItAllBefore #authoritarianism #autocracy #fascism #propaganda #lies
#lies #Propaganda #Fascism #autocracy #authoritarianism #weveseenitallbefore #poisonedpopulism #hatefulhoipolloi #Cult45 #gop #MAGA #waco #Trump #DonaldTrump
Let’s STOP calling them by such tepid terms as “MAGA Republicans” and “Trumpers.” By this stage, anyone who still supports, promotes, tries to defend the GOP’s hateful, fascistic politics is a NAZI. Let’s call these people what they are: NAZIS.
“Very fine people?” Bullshit.
#Nazis #MAGANazis #AmericanNazis #AmericasWorstPeople #DonaldTrump #Deplorables #WeveSeenItAllBefore #StateRunMedia #DomesticTerrorism #StochasticTerrorism #FoxNews #propaganda #scapegoating #racism #bigotry #lies
#lies #bigotry #Racism #scapegoating #Propaganda #foxnews #stochasticterrorism #domesticterrorism #staterunmedia #weveseenitallbefore #deplorables #DonaldTrump #americasworstpeople #americannazis #maganazis #nazis
MAGA Youth - The Early Years
If there’s any “grooming” going on, it’s being planned and carried out by Republicans. They’re starting by prohibiting the teaching of history in public schools. That’s because education guards against indoctrination.
#MAGAYouth #HitlerYouth #Trumpism #fascism #authoritarianism #WeveSeenItAllBefore
#weveseenitallbefore #authoritarianism #Fascism #trumpism #hitleryouth #magayouth
Another “déjà vu” moment in MAGA history to come: Trump, arriving at CPAC 2023, welcomed enthusiastically by MAGAzis. #Trump #Trumpism #CPAC2023 #MAGAzi #MAGAzis #MAGAziParty #autocracy #fascism #authoritarianism #WeveSeenItAllBefore #DejaVu
#dejavu #weveseenitallbefore #authoritarianism #Fascism #autocracy #magaziparty #magazis #magazi #cpac2023 #trumpism #Trump
Another “déjà vu” moment in MAGA history to come:
Trump, arriving at CPAC 2023, welcomed by enthusiastically by MAGAzis.
#Trump #Trumpism #CPAC2023 #MAGAzi #MAGAzis #MAGAziParty #autocracy #fascism #authoritarianism #WeveSeenItAllBefore #DejaVu
#dejavu #weveseenitallbefore #authoritarianism #Fascism #autocracy #magaziparty #magazis #magazi #cpac2023 #trumpism #Trump
Like all “great” malignant narcissists, Trump’s got a very personal tale of toil to tell: Schweinekampf.
#Trump #Schweinekampf #Hitler #MeinKampf #autocracy #fascism #authoritarianism #racism #bigotry #WeveSeenItAllBefore
#weveseenitallbefore #bigotry #Racism #authoritarianism #Fascism #autocracy #meinkampf #hitler #schweinekampf #Trump
Welcome to the 2024 Republican National Convention.
#GOP #MAGA #Trumpism #AltRight #RNC2024 #PoisonPopulism #FoxNews #propaganda #fascism #lies
#lies #Fascism #Propaganda #foxnews #poisonpopulism #rnc2024 #AltRight #trumpism #MAGA #gop #weveseenitallbefore