The right has made the LGBTQIA community front and center of their newest culture war. It was only a matter of time before this happened. I read that customers subdued the gunman and I felt that in my bones. #wewanttolive
The right has made the LGBTQIA community front and center of their newest culture war. It was only a matter of time before this happened. I read that customers subdued the gunman and I felt that in my bones. #wewanttolive
⛓ Konstantin Fokin, rebelle d’Extinction Rebellion Russia purge actuellement une peine de 28 jours de prison pour avoir perturbé la circulation fin 2020, sans violence.
Emprisonné à Moscou, il en est à son 10ème jour de grève de la faim pour réclamer le droit de manifester pacifiquement, en Russie et partout dans le monde ☮️
Avec Amour et Rage, nous le soutenons 💚✊
RT @XRebellionUK
This is John Lynes, aged 92, from #Hastings being arrested in #ParliamentSquare at #ExtinctionRebellion protest, just for daring to care about our future. This is a #ClimateEmergency and #WeWantToLive Join us #ChangeIsNow Video: Wiiliam Watson
#hastings #parliamentsquare #extinctionrebellion #climateemergency #wewanttolive #changeisnow
RT @XRebellionUK
We are rising! In #Manchester too #ExtinctionRebellion are taking to the streets. Check out this creativity in response to the #ClimateEmergency #WeWantToLive
#manchester #extinctionrebellion #climateemergency #wewanttolive
Gleich um 12 geht es los wir sind gespannt.
RT @XRLondon
Members of the UK parliament return on 1 September 2020, we will be there to meet them.
The Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill must pass.
#rebel4live #wewanttolive #extinctionrebellion
RT @DoctorsXr
3 docs on why they climbed 2 ambulances outside a petrol station this morning. #MakeAirFreshAgain #WeWantToLive
#makeairfreshagain #wewanttolive