I helped unpack the conundrums of responding in the #news to a manufactured outrage campaign, as #GOP lackeys amplified the #Trump #WeWillNotComply #misinformation BS.
#News #gop #trump #wewillnotcomply #misinformation
Protesting Pfizer at NYC Global Headquarters (August 2, 2023)
Protesting, spreading truth, and having a little fun at Pfizer’s new global headquarters in Manhattan!
#protest #Pfizer #BigPharma #vaccines #NYC #Manhattan #NewYork #satire #comedy #Fauci #propaganda #pandemic #freedom #liberty #medicine #drugs #mask #masks #COVID #mandate #mandates #unvaxxed #medicalfreedom #bodilyautonomy #mybodymychoice #lockdown #quarantine #wewillnotcomply #publichealth #health
#protest #pfizer #bigpharma #vaccines #nyc #manhattan #newyork #satire #comedy #fauci #propaganda #pandemic #freedom #liberty #medicine #drugs #mask #masks #covid #mandate #mandates #unvaxxed #medicalfreedom #bodilyautonomy #mybodymychoice #lockdown #quarantine #wewillnotcomply #publichealth #health
After a productive day of activism against vax mandates and other governmental tyranny, a few of us visited the governor's mansion to say good night. 😉📣🗽
#protest #NewYork #government #mandates #resist #quarantine #mandate #freedom #liberty #medicalfreedom #libertarian #KathyHochul #mansion #WethePeople #wewillnotcomply #politics #activism
#protest #newyork #government #mandates #resist #quarantine #mandate #freedom #liberty #medicalfreedom #libertarian #kathyhochul #mansion #wethepeople #wewillnotcomply #politics #activism
RT @TeabagginZombie
#WeWillNotComply #NoVaccinePassports
#wewillnotcomply #NOVaccinePassports
RT @MTeaparty2
This is a Walker Colt.
It almost meets the proposed ATF rules as an NFA item.
Yes, they ARE that stupid.
We've given up far too many rights.
#wewillnotcomply #shallnotbeinfringed
The "#FireFauci Act" will slash the salary of Dr. Always Wrong to $0 and the "#WeWillNotComply Act" will ban vaccine "passports," prevent discrimination against the unvaccinated, and much more to protect the freedom of the American People.
The "#FireFauci Act" will slash the salary of Dr. Always Wrong to $0 and the "#WeWillNotComply Act" will ban vaccine "passports," prevent discrimination against the unvaccinated, and much more to protect the freedom of the American People.
Imagine falling for the worst kind of Conspiracy Theory nonsense so completely that you're happy to publicly stand beside, and be photographed with, this sign. Absolute embrassment. #WeWillNotComply #antilockdown #liverpoollockdown
#liverpoollockdown #wewillnotcomply #antilockdown
Dear, #WeWillNotComply
UK Conservatives are really bad at their jobs.
UK Conservatives want to shift the blame for their ineptitude on to others.
Not following lockdown rules isn't a protest against the government.
It's an insult to everyone around you.
Don't be a selfish idiot.