We have these citrus-themed toy mice, and one of the cats likes to drop one in the upstairs water overnight. Which is nice, if ever I miss going in to #WeWork I can go upstairs past the infused water and sit in the closet with the bare hanging bulb
WeWork is in survival mode. The office-sharing giant, whose market value has plummeted to a mere $200 million, revealed its drastic plan to avoid bankruptcy on Wednesday. In a letter to its landlords, the company’s CEO announced that WeWork would seek to renegotiate “nearly all our leases” and slash its rent payments. This is the latest attempt by WeWork to salvage its business, which has been struggling since its botched IPO in 2019. #business #wework #starup #market
#business #wework #starup #market
Si vous aimez les histoires de startup bullshit, je recommande de regarder les docus et séries sur #WeWork. J'étais totalement passé à côté et c'est pas mal
Today on Boot Up: #iPhone changes end-call; free TV streaming grows; #WeWork financial doubts; #Lyft to end surge pricing; Google & labels fight musical deepfakes; Google's eco-friendly flights; room-temp superconductor claim debunked. https://bootup.show/32 #TechNews #podcast
#iPhone #wework #lyft #technews #podcast
#BlueSeed is just a shitty #WeWork with a #Hotel, #Restaurant and other amendities docked to it...
Like bruh, just let people #WorkRemotely instead...
#workremotely #restaurant #hotel #wework #blueseed
It's Noisy Guest #Thursday Should the Clean Air Act be Upgraded? To include better indoor air quality standards to decrease CO2 and illness, increase health and productivity, and lower pandemic and biological attack risk? https://flipboard.com/@policykeys/policykeys-where-can-we-agree-kic2ojjty Where Can We Agree? #politics #publichealth #covid #COVID19 #policy #WeWork
#thursday #politics #publichealth #covid #covid19 #policy #wework
WeWork says it has 'substantial doubt' about its ability to stay in business
Uber lost $0.41 on every dollar they brought in, lighting $33b of its investors' cash on fire. Most of that money came from the #Saudi royals, funneled through #Softbank, who brought you such bezzles as #WeWork - a boring real-estate company masquerading as a high-growth tech company, just as Uber was a boring taxi company masquerading as a tech company.
Büroraum-Anbieter #WeWork räumt Zweifel an #Fortbestand ein
I'm not shy about saying that this #WeWork -managed building is the worst office space #Amazon has ever asked me to work in, terrible for in-person collaboration or conference calls, and completely unfit for focused work.
Today's illustration: WeWork gave us an "18-person" conference room by setting up tables that can fit 16 chairs, and two more at a folding table in the corner.
Urgh, just sat in the shared office space in #WeWork, there's a younger woman and myself quite happy as things are with the sun streaming through the windows. Then in walks a boomer/ageing-Xer and turns on all the lights without a thought for who else is here. I know your eyes might be getting old now mate but we only have one planet!
#Heineken, #SbarroPizza, #TGIFridays, and #WeWork said they would leave russia in response to its brutal war against #Ukraine
#Yale professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and a team of investigators updated its findings on which companies are continuing to do business.
"These companies are breaking their promises. They are functioning as wartime profiteers," he told CNN. "It's beyond disappointing. It's shameful and unethical."
Read more here 📎 https://www.yahoo.com/news/heineken-sbarro-pizza-tgi-fridays-220918004.html
#heineken #sbarropizza #tgifridays #wework #ukraine #yale #StandWithUkraine
#5yrsago All Rights Reserved: a #YA #dystopia where every word is copyrighted https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/27/all-rights-reserved-a-ya-dystopia-where-every-word-is-copyrighted/
#1yrago #Wework founder raises $70m for #blockchain-based, "voluntary" #CarbonCredits https://pluralistic.net/2022/05/27/voluntary-carbon-market/#trust-me
#5yrsago #ya #dystopia #1yrago #wework #blockchain #carboncredits
WeWork's CFO quits
Amidst the company's crisis
On June first he's gone
#wework #cfo #resignation #haiku #poetry
#wework #cfo #resignation #haiku #poetry
That's where #crypto comes in: during the #cryptocurrency bubble, VCs cashed out of their investments early through #InitialCoinOfferings and other forms of #SecuritiesFraud. The massive returns this generated were well worth the millions they sprinkled on #SuperbowlAds and bribes for #MattDamon.
But woe betide the VC who mistimes their exit. As #Wework showed, it's entirely possible for VCs to be left holding the bag if they get the timing wrong.
#crypto #cryptocurrency #initialcoinofferings #securitiesfraud #superbowlads #mattdamon #wework
Just finished WeCrashed. A lot of it is very expected even if I didn’t know anything about Neumann and Paltrow, but also still nuts notwithstanding.
Overall I give it a thumbs up but I also I feel it might’ve actually been more interesting as a straight, dark drama rather than the Inventing Anna style comedic approach they took. Idk.