Second post is about how I use #wezTerm and some tricks to integrate with #powershell. The next post will probably cover how I use #starship.
#wezTerm #powershell #starship
New #wezterm release today! Many fixes and improvements.
Thanks to the dozen or so other contributors!
See for the massive change log.
I'm in the process of moving my terminal workflows over to #wezterm. As far as I can see there's no better option for the tmux-deprived Windows developer.
In some regards, I already prefer Wezterm's multiplexer to tmux. Configuration in Lua is so much more intuitive and flexible. I've configured it to function as much like Tmux as possible, cloning all the keybindings I like.
I'm now working on porting my terminal rice over. I've just got a clock and leader key indicator for now.
Things I wished were packaged in #Fedora are #wezTerm the #HelixEditor the #awscliv2 and the #GitHubCLI
#fedora #wezTerm #HelixEditor #awscliv2 #GitHubCLI
So, here're good news regarding #wezterm
The issue with non-latin layout is fixed, so I'll try to use it in daily-work! has produced a fish plugin for creating #wezterm tabs and splits... by prompting GPT4.
The transcript from the prompting session can be found at and it's pretty interesting to see the the "collaborative" process and refinement of the solution.
The fish plugin itself can be found at
Today i typed Ctrl+Shift+u in #wezTerm , and it displayed an interface for symbol search. I wonder why this is not the default for all apps, it's such a great feature.
Some day, I’d like to figure out how to configure #wezTerm so that I can have #neovim split pane with a terminal in the other pane, run tests (#typescript with #jest in this case), and be able to click/activate a line on a test failure that includes the relative path, line, and column, and have this open in an existing (or new, if need be) buffer in the pane running #neovim. This is one thing I miss from #vscode.
#vscode #jest #typescript #neovim #wezTerm
Some day, I’d like to figure out how to configure #wezTerm so that I can have #neovim split pane with a terminal in the other pane, run tests (#typescript with #jest in this case), and be able to click/activate a line on a test failure that includes the relative path, line, and column, and have this open in an existing (or new, if need be) buffer in the pane running #neovim. This is one thing I miss from #vscode.
#vscode #jest #typescript #neovim #wezTerm
My Terminals:
#alacritty -> #kitty -> #foot -> #wezTerm
Alacritty: Fast and Safe (Written in rust)
Kitty: Highly configurable in 'python' and has image rendering with icat.
Foot: Lightweight and has sixel support ( I got some crashes due to segfault when trying to launch non existent programs using '-e' flag and using the server, meaning that all my client windows crashed at once. )
Wezterm is like Kitty but has the best parts of Alacritty and Foot.
Wezterm = rust + lua + sixel + imgcat
#alacritty #kitty #foot #wezTerm
New #wezterm release today!
This one tightens up a number of warts and gaps around the multiplexing feature; improved performance, color scheme selection is now owned by the client(!), more and better CLI subcommands, automatically imports your ssh config, ability to prompt for things like renaming or (fuzzy!) selecting from lists, ability to move window management buttons into the tab bar and disable the OS titlebar, and a bunch more!
Full changelog is up at
Are you a dedicated #WezTerm user?
I was laid off in November. One potential path forward for me is sustainable wezterm sponsorships from people like you.
If you are in a position to provide recurring support, even if it is just $1/month, I'd appreciate it. I'd appreciate more even more 😉
I'm set up on the following platforms:
@catherinedevlin @craigmaloney You might be able to do this in #WezTerm. I know you can style the tabs and their colors. It might not be a huge stretch to create some kind of consistent hash for directory paths to get assigned the same color each time. /cc @wez