RT @POVmagazine
Featuring mountain movies and CanCon, the 2022 edition of the Whistler Film Festival was a refreshingly laid back affair #wff22 https://povmagazine.com/whistler-film-festival-report-where-mountains-meet-movies/
Lots of great movies by women at @whisfilmfest@twitter.com this year that you can now watch online including festival winners Coyote and Rodeo. Check out the female filmmaker wrap @awfj@twitter.com #WFF22 https://awfj.org/blog/2022/12/06/whistler-film-festival-2022-female-filmmaker-wrap-rachel-west-reports/
ICYMI: #WFF22 isn't over yet! Check out our guide to all of the @whisfilmfest online screenings available across Canada.
RT @ThatShelf@twitter.com
#WFF22 isn't over yet! Check out our guide to all of the @WhisFilmFest@twitter.com online screenings available across Canada.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThatShelf/status/1599780759262429187
#WFF22 isn't over yet! Check out our guide to all of the @whisfilmfest online screenings available across Canada.
ICYMI: Screening at @whisfilmfest, DIASPORA is simply unlike anything you've seen before. We chatted with director Deco Dawson about creating this story in 25 languages @Telefilm_Canada #WFF22
Screening at @whisfilmfest, DIASPORA is simply unlike anything you've seen before. We chatted with director Deco Dawson about creating this story in 25 languages @Telefilm_Canada #WFF22
ICYMI: A woman and a dead mouse become BFFs in the isolation comedy #LittleJar, playing @whisfilmfest #WFF22
A woman and a dead mouse become BFFs in the isolation comedy #LittleJar, playing @whisfilmfest #WFF22
ICYMI: Your guide to the 2022 @whisfilmfest featuring #WhiteNoise, @RealGDT's #Pinocchio, and a cavalcade of captivating Canadian cinema.
#wff22 #wff #pinocchio #whitenoise
Your guide to the 2022 @whisfilmfest featuring #WhiteNoise, @RealGDT's #Pinocchio, and a cavalcade of captivating Canadian cinema.
#wff22 #wff #pinocchio #whitenoise