Wilhelm · @luny
42 followers · 375 posts · Server mstdn.games

Working from home has great advantages when you enjoy your job, but when that slips the procrastination sneaks in. I'd be interested to hear from others who currently work from home and either work well or struggle.

#wfm #timeforachange

Last updated 1 year ago

Charrette 🥙 · @charrette
173 followers · 287 posts · Server mastodon.top

fini, je publie la review ce week-end.
Ă€ voir pour la publier ici, sous quel format.

#gunpla #gundam #lfrith #g_gundam #wfm

Last updated 1 year ago

Zex :lgbt_verified: · @zexyen
42 followers · 114 posts · Server freefortnitegift.cards

Lfrith Ur done!

Just like Lfrith Thorn the build was fun albeit a bit rough in some aspects (hated the arms) but it’s good to have them all done now!!

#gunpla #gundam #witchfrommercury #wfm #gundamwitchfrommercury

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1607 followers · 3390 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History July 13, 1892: Martial law was declared in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, with National Guards and federal troops coming to “restore order.” The Western Federation of Miners had called the strike, demanding a living wage of $3.50/day. However, their militancy escalated when they discovered that the bosses were using Pinkertons to infiltrate and undermine their union, and after mine guards killed of one of their members. Things came to a head on July 11, when WFM members fought gunbattles with company guards at several mines and dynamited the Frisco mine.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #friscomine #bombing #dynamite #union #wfm #mining #strike #martiallaw

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1600 followers · 3338 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History July 11, 1892: Frisco Mine was dynamited by striking Coeur D’Alene miners after they discovered they had been infiltrated by Pinkertons and after one of their members had been shot. The striking miners belonged to the Western Federation of Miners. Prior to this, the mine owners had increased work hours, decreased pay and brought in a bunch of scabs to replace striking workers. Ultimately, over 600 striking miners were imprisoned without charge by the military in order to crush the strike.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #mining #union #strike #bombing #Pinkertons #wfm #scabs #friscomine

Last updated 1 year ago

Zex :lgbt_verified: · @zexyen
38 followers · 48 posts · Server freefortnitegift.cards


#gundam #wfm

Last updated 1 year ago

Tempest · @Tempest
23 followers · 159 posts · Server beige.party

Well, it’s just after noon, so I guess I should peel myself away from my work computer and change out of my PJ’s.


Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1343 followers · 3002 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History June 13, 1914: A riot erupted at the Miner's Union Day parade in Butte Montana. Frustration and mistrust of the primary union, WFM, had been growing for decades. In 1914, miners were being paid only $3.50 a day, the same as in 1878, despite the fact that the price of copper had more than doubled in that same time period. Also, the WFM failed to get hundreds of Finnish miners reinstated after they were fired en masse, or to call a strike in support of these workers. Dissident union members, led by the IWW, accused WFM members of ballot stuffing and being in the pay of the copper bosses. They destroyed WFM headquarters, burned records and stole $1,600. Cops watched and laughed, but did nothing to stop the rioting. During the riot, acting mayor Frank Curran was pushed out of second-story window. And the home of P.K. Sullivan, a WFM official, was dynamited. Overall, however, the riot was a disaster for all the miners. The bosses exploited the conflict by recognizing no unions, making the Butte mines open shops, without any official union representation, from 1914 to 1934.

The conflict between the two unions went back many years. Two of the WFM’s best organizers, Big Bill Haywood and Vincent St. John, helped cofound the more radical IWW in 1905. Initially, the WFM affiliated with the IWW and became their mining section. However, many WFM didn’t like the radicalness of the IWW and later voted to unaffiliate. In 1908, St. John tried to organize a stealth takeover of the WFM, but failed. In 1911, the WFM affiliated with the conservative American Federation of Labor.

#LaborHistory #workingclass #IWW #wfm #union #Riot #montana #bigbillhaywood #corruption

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1306 followers · 2959 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History June 10, 1904: The National Guard deported 79 striking Colorado miners to Kansas, following a battle between the Colorado Militia and striking miners at Dunnville that had occurred two days prior. The battle ended with six union members dead and 15 taken prisoner. Dozens were arrested without warrants and held without formal charges. All this occurred during the infamous Colorado Labor Wars (1903-1904) in which dozens of striking workers were slaughtered by cops, national guards and vigilantes and hundreds were deported. The miners, organized by the Western Federation of Miners, and led by future IWW founders Big Bill Haywood and Vincent Saint John, often fought back with guns, and engaged in sabotage, blowing up mines.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #mining #colorado #police #policebrutality #acab #IWW #wfm #bigbillhaywood #militia #union #strike #massacre #vigilante #deportation

Last updated 1 year ago

Klaudia (aka jinxx) · @viennawriter
3559 followers · 28163 posts · Server literatur.social

Ah, die Anmeldung fĂĽr den Wiener (16. September 2023) ist offen. Offenbar haben sie aber den Smartphone-Wettbewerb wieder eingestellt. Spannend.



#fotomarathon #wfm #wfm2023 #wien #fotografie

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
762 followers · 1316 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History February 17, 1906: The authorities arrested "Big Bill" Haywood and two others on trumped up charges for the murder of former Idaho Governor Frank Stuenenberg. Clarence Darrow successfully defended them, telling jurors, "If at the behest of this mob you should kill Bill Haywood, he is mortal, he will die, but I want to say that a million men will grab up the banner of labor where at the open grave Haywood lays it down . . ." The actual perpetrator was a one-time WFM union member named Harry Orchard, who was also a paid informant for the Cripple Creek Mine Owners' Association.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #bigbillhaywood #IWW #wfm #union #strike #mining #socialism #clarencedarrow

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
676 followers · 1154 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History February 4, 1869: Labor leader and Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) co-founder William D. "Big Bill" Haywood was born. Haywood started mining at age nine. He became secretary-treasurer of the Western Federation of Miners (WFM) in 1900 and co-founded the IWW in 1905. He was a WFM organizer during the Colorado Labor Wars (1903-1904), in which 33 miners were killed.

At the IWW’s first convention (1905), he said, “We are here to confederate the workers of this country into a working-class movement that shall have for its purpose the emancipation of the working-class from the slave bondage of capitalism. The aims and objects of this organization shall be to put the working-class in possession of the economic power, the means of life, in control of the machinery of production and distribution, without regard to capitalist masters.” With the IWW, he came up with the propaganda ploy of sending workers’ kids out of town, for their own safety, during the Lawrence Textile Strike (1912), leading to a media backlash against the mill owners and the ultimate victory for the workers.

In 1907, he was falsely charged with the bombing murder of former Idaho Governor Frank Steunenberg, but was acquitted with the counsel of Clarence Darrow. The WFM dismissed him in 1918 because of his radicalism. That same year, the Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis (future first commissioner of Major League Baseball) convicted him of violating the Alien and Sedition acts during the first Red Scare for his antiwar activism. They sentenced him to 20 years in prison. However, he jumped bail and fled to the Soviet Union, where he died in 1928 from heart failure and alcoholism. His ashes were split between the Kremlin Wall Mausoleum and the Haymarket Martyrs Monument in Chicago.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #bigbillhaywood #IWW #wfm #haymarket #kremlin #union #strike #capitalism #antiwar #socialism #soviet #sabotage

Last updated 2 years ago

chaos | · @shippychaos
525 followers · 2303 posts · Server mastodon.lol

benefit of my partner being full time work from home: she’s a boss and it’s extremely sexy to witness her in work mode

drawback of my partner being full time work from home: she’s always at work while at home

#wfm #sapphicstruggles

Last updated 2 years ago

Jen Pitch [they/them] · @thelittledeath
211 followers · 385 posts · Server writing.exchange

So today, I decided to decorate @scottatron 's Indie Creators' space with a grand piano so I can serenade him while he does nerdy IT shit.

Interested in joining a space? I'm in here most days. Seeing other people working quietly at their desks makes me really happy. Join the waitlist!


#inspiration #creativewriting #virtual #wfm #coworking #collaboration #productivity #virtualcoworking

Last updated 2 years ago

Caleb Faruki · @kleb
17 followers · 112 posts · Server cyberplace.social

@paulewilliams question if you're game:

Many news articles are claiming that city/state govts are losing substantial tax revenue due to because of vacant office RE. Lower sales tax, less public trans ridership, etc. Possible solutions include office-residential conversion.

Example: techspot.com/news/97154-analys

Do you agree with these arguments? Fancy any solutions in particular?


Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
489 followers · 672 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History December 30, 1905: Governor Frank Steunenberg of Idaho was assassinated by a bomb. Steunenberg had been elected on a Populist Party "defend the working man" ticket. But then he called on federal troops to crush the 1899 miners’ strike. Authorities promptly blamed members of the radical WFM, including Big Bill Haywood. The actual assassin was Harry Orchard, a WFM union member who was also a paid informant and agent provocateur for the Cripple Creek Mine Owners’ Association. The investigation was conducted by Pinkerton agent James McParland, the same man who infiltrated the Ancient Order of Hibernians in eastern Pennsylvania and acted as an agent provocateur, leading to the wrongful executions of 20 Irish miners. After interrogation by McParland, Orchard signed a 64-page typed confession claiming that he had been hired to kill Steunenberg by the WFM leadership ("Big Bill" Haywood; General Secretary, Charles Moyer; and President George Pettibone). Superstar labor lawyer Clarence Darrow got all three WFM defendants acquitted. Orchard pled guilty and received a death sentence in a separate trial, but the sentence was commuted to life in prison. McParland also plays prominently in my novel, “Anywhere But Schuylkill,” about the period leading up to the wrongful executions of the Irish miners.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #bigbillhaywood #union #strike #wfm #Pinkertons #assassination #irish #racism #miners #historicalfiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Juliane · @juhueinbuch
36 followers · 67 posts · Server hessen.social

Gibt es hier eigentlich eine Bubble? đź‘€

#wfm #workforcemanagement

Last updated 2 years ago

Pablo Luciano · @PabloGdM
40 followers · 42 posts · Server eupolicy.social

This 8th of December 2022 the 75th anniversary of the Montreux declaration was held at the .

The World Federalist Movement ( ) and the Union of European Federalists ( ) met to discuss:

- Engaging in closer cooperation (between and as well as with federalists in and )

- ( , , threats to , etc)

- Challenges to ( , little , etc )

#EuropeanParliment #wfm #uef #asia #Africa #globalcrises #climatechange #nuclearwar #globahealth #WorldFederalism #disinformation #OnlinePresence

Last updated 2 years ago

FearlessJuan · @FearlessJuan
78 followers · 405 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net

@ktneely @hacks4pancakes
Many teams are distributed across the country or around the world. Sometimes one's responsibilities lead him to interact with counterparts in other teams rather than his own team.
Attempts to end up with people doing the same thing they'd have done but in the office: conference calls & virtual mtgs.
Some ppl need to leave their house. Some work better @ home w/o any distractions & saving time & money.
Cohesiveness is organic & "culture" is imposed.


#rto #wfm

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Byrd · @ByrdNick
368 followers · 68 posts · Server nerdculture.de

: what has it found so far?

How are different platforms preferred, used, etc.?

Think about the differences between, say,
- zoom.us
- slack.com
- gather.town
- whova.com

These are VERY different!

Surely people have preferences for/against some platforms and surely each platform trades some costs/benefits for others.

#virtualconference #research #virtal #conference #wfm #remotework #technology #accessibility #IOPsych #edu #academicchatter

Last updated 2 years ago