While many of us have probably heard the beginning of this piece (in a lot of dramatic films and historical pieces), most of us have never heard the entire piece. I heard it for the first time (the entire piece) on #WFMT recently and was transported into sublime feelings of serenity and joy. I hope this will do the same for others. #Sunday
Listening to #MetropolitanOpera broadcast on #WFMT, historic singers who made their debuts on the air. #Opera This is one of my of #nerdingout interests, anything about #historicoperasingers. @TimAshAsh @rodrigodiposa @arb_banerjee
#MetropolitanOpera #wfmt #opera #nerdingout #historicoperasingers
I'm an Exploring Music listener and it's Haydn and Mozart string quartets all week. Talk about a treat!
#Haydn #Mozart #BillMcGlaughlin #WFMT #ClassicalMusic #Quartet
#haydn #mozart #billmcglaughlin #wfmt #classicalmusic #quartet
I'm an Exploring Music listener and it's Haydn and Mozart string quartets all week. Talk about a treat!
#Haydn #Mozart #BillMcGlaughlin #WFMT #ClassicalMusic #Quartet
#haydn #mozart #billmcglaughlin #wfmt #classicalmusic #quartet
I'm an Exploring Music listener and it's Haydn and Mozart string quartets all week. Talk about a treat!
#Haydn #Mozart #BillMcGlaughlin #WFMT #ClassicalMusic #Quartet
#haydn #mozart #billmcglaughlin #wfmt #classicalmusic #quartet