Reading #WFTDA documentation about score keepers :
> You may also have a Jam where LEAD, CALL, and NI boxes are checked as the Lead Jammer calls off the Jam before exiting the engagement zone on an Initial Trip.
Lead is attributed upon passing the last in play blocker. But a lap (including the initial lap) is considered complete upon exiting the EZ.
Oh the subtleties of the rules of #rollerDerby !
Am I excited about an upcoming event titled Jello Bowl ? YES it’s in July and in Utah #rollerderby #derbytoot several great matchups.
#wftda #regionalrankings posts each month . Including the #WFTDAGUR which is new.
What I find exciting is seeing how it empowers teams to test out options and that includes being unsanctioned.
Questions for teams…. Has the mission and focus of your goals changed since 2020?
Did communication improve overall? Transparency?
#wftdagur #regionalrankings #wftda #derbytoot #rollerderby
#derbytoot #rollerderby #wftda specifically heads up teams need to accept their seed by May 1st. 2023. Being listed as Inactive on the dues list ( available through wftda site) means NO REGIONAL Ranking until a seed bout is recorded. If being a wftda ranked team is important to your league make sure to reach out to wftda. *this has been a curtesy message*
#wftda #rollerderby #derbytoot
#RollerDerby wonderful matches in Taunton today! All played valiantly. Portsmouth vs Wilts and Oxford vs Devon. Great day everyone. Well done #WFTDA
EDIT: Wrong tag
Toujours dans les règles de la #WFTDA
En 2010, pour chaque type de pénalité listée, il y avait 4 paragraphes qui détaillent différent cas de figure :
- No Impact/No Penalty
- Minor Penalty
- Major Penalty
- Expulsion
À chaque fois, il y a une liste des conditions qui mènent à une de ces quatre décisions arbitrales.
Got to photograph my first adult roller derby event for the Omaha Nebraska Roller Derby team since 2020! Yes it's been three years since they hosted an event! #rollerderby #rollerskating #WFTDA #photography
#rollerderby #rollerskating #wftda #photography
I think that I'm now officially gay. I went to my first Roller Derby practice tonight.
#RollerDerby #FreshMeat #WFTDA #HellionsOfTroy
#rollerderby #freshmeat #wftda #HellionsOfTroy