This is ridiculous. Are there other possible tags? #WGAStrong ?
Boo, Drew! Boo! #wgastrong #wgastrike #scab
« Même dans ce temple du capitalisme du divertissement, avant-garde du soft power du pays le plus débilement amoureux de ce modèle économique, c'est pas peu dire que le #syndicalisme à une histoire vivace [..] le côté hyper rentable et ultra-commercial de ces productions masque complètement la réalité de leurs conditions de production »
Que cache la #grève à #Hollywood ?
#WGA #SAGAFTRA #WGAStrike #WGAStrong #SAGAFTRAStrike #SAGAFTRAStrong #GrèveHollywood
#syndicalisme #greve #hollywood #wga #sagaftra #wgastrike #wgastrong #sagaftrastrike #sagaftrastrong #grevehollywood
« C'est un combat dantesque [..] des milliers de David contre qqs Goliath qui ont pour nom Netflix, Amazon, Disney, ou encore Universal .. »
« Une grève dont le nerf est le partage des revenus liés au #streaming et les risques que l’#IntelligenceArtificielle fait courir à la profession »
#Hollywood à l’arrêt: les raisons de la #grève
#WGA #SAGAFTRA #WGAStrike #WGAStrong #SAGAFTRAStrike #SAGAFTRAStrong #cinéma #IA #syndicalisme #LuttesSyndicales #GrèveHollywood
#streaming #intelligenceartificielle #hollywood #greve #wga #sagaftra #wgastrike #wgastrong #sagaftrastrike #sagaftrastrong #cinema #ia #syndicalisme #LuttesSyndicales #grevehollywood
In case you have forgotten: the WGA and the SAGAFTRA are still on strike; if you have a few bucks to spare, please support them. (link below)
Also, for context, Fran Drescher:
#WGAStrike #WGAStrong #SAGAFTRAStrike #SAGAFTRAStrong
#supportunions #supportworkers #sagaftrastrong #sagaftrastrike #wgastrong #wgastrike
Y todavía cala este argumento entre muchas personas - 🤔😝
#UnionStrong #LaborDay #HappyLaborDay #labor #labour #union #unions #SAGAFTRAstrong #WGAstrong
#unionstrong #laborday #happylaborday #labor #labour #union #unions #sagaftrastrong #wgastrong
Happy #LaborDay! Did you know you can personally donate to the striking actors and writers? Support Labor! JOIN A #UNION
#WGAStrong #WGAStrike
Entertainment Community Fund Has Distributed More Than $5.4 Million In Financial Aid To Industry Workers Since Start Of WGA Strike
#laborday #union #wgastrong #wgastrike
THIS is how you do a press conference at the Venice Film Festival when you have an interim agreement to be there during a SAG-AFTRA/WGA strike. A niche behavior to model so well, but if ever there was a time for it…
This is the way. #SAGAFTRAstrike #SAGAFTRA #wgastrike #wgastrong
[Sooooooo over having crushes on actors who 9/10Xs end up being pieces of shit, but Adam Driver is my mini crush for the day.]
Adam Driver Drags Netflix and Amazon Over Hollywood Strikes
#sagaftrastrike #sagaftra #wgastrike #wgastrong
Negotiate a fair contract @warnerbros @netflix @ParamountPics @Disney @PrimeVideo #WGAstrong #SAGAFTRAStrong
This is an ongoing conversation 🤣 #SambaSchutte
#WGAStrong #sagaftraStrike
#sambaschutte #wgastrong #sagaftrastrike
After the latest statements of Bob Iger and Ted Sarandos I have to listen to The Coup
“Job listings geared towards artificial intelligence roles have gone up for film and television studios despite the continued protests from their writers and actors against the use of AI. Disney, Netflix, and Sony were among the entertainment companies that listed AI-centric roles, offering between $200,000 and more than $1 million for the right candidate.” #WGAStrong #WorkersRights
It has been another chaotic day on the Hollywood strike beat #AMPTP #WGAStrong #TV
Of all the things that run on low pay and exploitation, Hollywood is one.
#WGA #WGAStrike #WGAStrong #mediaWork #union #labor #solidarity
#wga #wgastrike #wgastrong #mediawork #union #labor #solidarity
New donations link for this month - from the discord server Our Flag Means Strike #wgaStrike #wgaStrong #ofmd
Fuck you, Amazon Prime. #wgastrike #wgastrong #wgaonstrike Save sapphic romance!!
#wgastrike #wgastrong #wgaonstrike
Warner Bros. made over $300 million from the 2009 film, "The Blind Side", while former NFL player Michael Oher, the Tuohy family, and scriptwriters have alleged to have received less less than 1% of the profits and royalties.
Just another reason why the Writers Guild of America is striking against Hollywood producer.