#Weird | #Whacky | #Technology | #Science | #Politics | #Satire Let’s Discuss | #LetsDiscuss | I’m not sure why robots need to be able to do acrobatics, but it’s pretty cool. Definitely not going to be a weapon. Definitely not.
#weird #whacky #technology #science #politics #satire #letsdiscuss
#Weird | #Whacky | #Technology | #Science | #Politics | #Satire
#Money #laundering. [ #MoneyLaundering ]
Are you laundering money? How do you know? When would you know? Could dead people be spending your money? Where does it end? Does it ever end?
But what is it you say and how can I protect my family? Should I tape plastic over my windows? No. That’s spot.
#weird #whacky #technology #science #politics #satire #money #laundering #moneylaundering
#Weird | #Whacky | #Technology | #Science | #Politics | #Satire #Money #laundering. [ #MoneyLaundering ]What is it, why is it done, and are you even aware that you’re doing it? Let’s discuss: :veri_trek2:
#weird #whacky #technology #science #politics #satire #money #laundering #moneylaundering