Today's #whalepunk #ttrpg progress: I wrote up a faction. The Old Families are all horrid greedy wretches. Their names are Rapine, Vorradosti, Glouton, Oshiri, Del Voraz, & Akuma because I'm tired of subtext (not tired of multilingual references though). They're all a bunch of awful people who'd be right at home in my game "The Curse of the House of Rookwood", because apparently I have a type.
I just got a gut punch while working on my #whalepunk #ttrpg project. I found a lot of perfect illustrations on a stock art site, all by the same prolific artist. The style was distinctive & would have given the book a unified look instead of "here's a bunch of public domain stuff you've seen a million times". I couldn't buy them at the time, so I saved them in a gallery on the site so I could get them later. I just went to look & they're all gone. The artist seems to be deleting their accounts.
Am I asking for trouble by naming my Not-Pacific "the Silent Ocean" & referring to its coasts as "the Silent Rim"? To the Googles! Ok. Looks like it's commonly used by people who sell drums & drum accessories, so I guess it's not instantly filthy. #whalepunk #mapping #ttrpg
@audunmb My #whalepunk: Moby Dick is a cetacean #kaiju with the blood of a Great Old One like #cthulhu. Whale oil is the life-extending, consciousness-expanding spice from #Dune. Whaling crews are rival gangs in a #deathrace to hunt down & kill leviathans as they're sighted & tracked like storms. The Company controls the oil market; they buy the oil you harvest for processing & resale, but always screw you out of full payment with extra conditions & fees. But what can you do? Eat the rich?
#whalepunk #kaiju #cthulhu #dune #deathrace