I hope you and yours managed to come out the other side unscathed. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones. Dec 29th and still unsullied by messers Michael and Ridgely. It is, I gather, a Christmas miracle.
Ja ai niin, selvisin sekä #whamadeggon että sen toisen, Mariah Careyn laulun kuulemattomuuden. Jee.
@nboke De combinatie die je vermeld doet dat eigenlijk wel verwachten vind ik. Ik het ’foute’ liedje nu toch al een keer of acht op de radio gehoord. Chris Rea’s Driving Home for Christmas echter nog altijd niet! Vreemd is dat. #whamadeggon
About to enter the most dangerous period for #Whamadeggon... going to the parents.
(They're the sort that like having the radio on in the background all the time, and like Christmas pop music!)
Just wanted to announce that with 3 days to go, I'm still in the game... you'll never take me alive, George & Andrew! 😂 #whamadeggon
Just wanted to announce that with 3 days to go, I'm still in the game... you'll never take me alive, George & Andrew! 😂 #whamadeggon
They're playing Christmas music in Superdrug and the queue is long. #Whamadeggon alert level: red.
@java_at_home Geloof me, als ze nu aan het shoppen zijn dan krijgt ge straks een lawine aan toots dat ze allemaal eruit liggen met #whamadeggon... 😂
#whamadeggon after 21 days. The mall caught W who promptly played it when she got home.
Next time I’m going to a work christmas party I want a written guarantee I won’t get #whammed. #whamadeggon #lost
Finishing off my latte, and trying to get the staff's attention to pay the bill... And I've just been a victim of a #whamadeggon
I survived 19 days.
Ik denk dat Chris Rea eindelijk is thuis geraakt. ”Driving Home for Christmas” nog altijd niet gehoord. In tegenstelling tot ”Last Christmas” 4x! 😁 #whamadeggon #ChrisRea #DrivingHomeForChristmas
#whamadeggon #ChrisRea #DrivingHomeforChristmas