Það er ellefti júlí, og klukkan tíu fjörutíuogfimm tapaði ég #Whamageddon í ár af því að samstarfsfélaga mínum datt í hug að setja á George Michael playlista á Spotify. Skellur að endast ekki einu sinni fram á haust.
@la_r_go Se ne guardi solo metà, perderai il #whamageddon la sera del 24 e sarà anche peggio.
Ed ora però dovete far parte del mio supplizio e beccarvela tutta: https://youtu.be/0fXiaoHW2UI
Chi non lo fa, sarà condannato a perdere il #whamageddon dal primo dicembre 2023 in poi.
Per sempre.
#WHAM! is coming for US Hot 100 No 1. It’s consistently been crawling up the charts over the past few years and now has a brand new peak of No 4. #whamageddon (which I’m officially designating as a hate crime) has kept it down but #LastChristmas is a couple of high profile remixes and some MC fatigue away from the top spot…
#Wham #whamageddon #lastchristmas
Last "Last Christmas"? Paar sammelt Geld um Rechte zu kaufen und den #Song zu bannen.
Nie mehr #whamageddon? Keine LC-#Witze mehr?
Wäre auch Schade, oder?
I suppose that since I'm back at work tomorrow, the season is over, and I can legitimately claim to have won #Whamageddon this Christmas. 🎉
@Inge sell them for medical experiments!!
#soclose #misseditbythatmuch #whamageddon
I think I might have won the #whamageddon this year. I don't remember hearing Last Christmas even once!
Just checking if a Backstreet Biys cover counts as a Whamageddon?! I’m suggesting not and that I’m still safely in for a complete festive season. Amazing what happens if you avoid public spaces as much as possible! #whamageddon
Couple raise cash to try and eradicate “Last Christmas” from existence.
Oh come on. What would Christmas be without #Whamageddon? #80s #80smusic #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #80smusic #80s #whamageddon
Just realised I survived #Whamageddon. Should I put that on my CV / LinkedIn profile?
Altro che #Whamageddon... Prossimo anno faccio l'#Hippopotageddon. La sento OVUNQUE!