But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and the Whartson Hall crew is headed in that direction! Buoyed by the realisation that they are not, against all the odds, dead, our investigators embark on the next leg of their quest to save everything.
Call of Cthulhu: Masks of Nyarlathotep 6 (Shanghai) Session 49: "A Terrible Miscarriage of Justice If They Donβt Get the Names Right"
#RPG #Games #CoC #CallOfCthulhu #WhartsonHall #ActualPlay #Podcast
#rpg #games #coc #callofcthulhu #whartsonhall #actualplay #podcast
Voting is open in the British Podcast Awards. Incredibly, it's even possible to vote for these idiots: https://tekeli.li/whartson-hall/
#rpg #podcast #actualplay #whartsonhall
We have the evidence, but⦠Session 6: Straight to Star Vampires https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/1740 #TTRPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#ttrpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
The Tetra Group team tackles a new puzzle in Invisible Fires 'No Closer to Understanding': https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/1740 #TTRPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#ttrpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
#WhartsonHall push the boundaries of probability (how many times can you roll snake eyes in a single evening) in Traveller session 7: The Illusion of Competence https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/traveller-mongoose/3587 #TTRPG #ActualPlay
#whartsonhall #ttrpg #actualplay
@DarkestKale The closest I've come to "here are the books, have at it" is the Stroboscope campaign frame for #WhartsonHall, and those are all players who know GURPS reasonably well.
There weren't meant to be many people on Mithril, but where have they all gone? We return to Traveller in A Sip of the Indifferent Stuff https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/traveller-mongoose/3587 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
Nobody's seen Mr Gardiner for a few days, and there's this smell⦠Is he The Dead Boarder? (Spoiler: yes.) https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/one-shots-and-miscellanea/502 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
Repair the engines, everyone home for tea and medals. Or not. The conclusion to Chariot of the Gods: https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/alien-fudge-chariot-of-the-gods/4733 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
Less of a vaccine, more of an antihelminthic, as we continue with Chariot of the Gods. Session 3: Sedated with Lead Microspheres. https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/alien-fudge-chariot-of-the-gods/4733 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
Medical miracles and extra-gory bits - and not even at the same time, in Session #2 of Alien-Fudge Hybrid at Whartson Hall: "Vacuum-Rated Post-It Notes". https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/alien-fudge-chariot-of-the-gods/4733 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
It's just another salvage job, right? https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/alien-fudge-chariot-of-the-gods/4733 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
Four Musketeers are on the loose in Madrid. What can go wrong? Find out in 'Cyril the Unhappy Dog': https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/polar-fudge-adventures-the-extraction/4659 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
The Whartson Hall crew explore a cellar with a⦠unique floor. https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/one-shots-and-miscellanea/502/22 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
It's Friday! but you can still feel the despair of a Monday morning by listening to the latest game session from Whartson Hall!
Polar Fudge Adventures: The Extraction, an Adventure for Musketeers 1628. Session 2: "Even the Vegetables Have Plots"
#rpg #fudgerpg #whartsonhall #actualplay
A week off from our regular games, as we visit The Necropolis. https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/one-shots-and-miscellanea/502/21 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
With these Musketeers, away from Paris is the best place for them. https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/polar-fudge-adventures-the-extraction/4659 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
The triumphant conclusion! In which confusing the enemy starts by confusing yourself. https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/you-wait-eight-hours-for-a-vet-and-then-two-come-along-at-once/4606 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall
Reading through Polar Fudge Adventures (https://ukrpdc.wordpress.com/2022/07/24/polar-fudge-adventures/) with a view to using the rules for a Three Musketeers adventure in a couple of weeks, once we've finished our current Whartson Hall game. I'm hoping that it will work well enough that I can stick to those rules for a while and concentrate more on running a decent game.
What's going on in Carmax's barn? https://discussion.tekeli.li/t/you-wait-eight-hours-for-a-vet-and-then-two-come-along-at-once/4606/3 #RPG #ActualPlay #WhartsonHall
#rpg #actualplay #whartsonhall