The character is called 'o-zingzing.' I thought they were little phalluses until it dawned on me that 'zing' in Korea is pronounced /jing/.
(오징어 = /o-jing-eo = 'squid' 🦑)
Bought em anyway. 😂
(Vocabulary notebooks by Ssueim & Cclim)
#whatamilookingat #koreanlanguage #Design #misunderstandings #languages
Everyone’s taking about the technical performance for #pokemonscarletviolet
I want to talk about all of the ADULTS IN STUDENT UNIFORMS!
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3/4 ain’t bad, got pics with but missed out on, maybe at The Party Party? #NYC #Libertarian #WhatAmILookingAt
#nyc #libertarian #whatamilookingat