Love that there’s so much legal trouble for a former #potus that we need a roundup. How soon till it’s a daily column? #trumpindictment #whatatimetobealive
#potus #trumpindictment #whatatimetobealive
Kävin taas vähän Nitterissä.
Siellä jotkut #persut on ajatelleet, että se Turun persujen pomon #JyrkiÄland in tekemä surkea kuvakäsittelyvaleuutinen #RKP:sta on oikea, ja jakaneet kuvaa joihin medioiden RKP:tta käsittelevien uutisten alle, että kuinka kehtaatte syyttää persuja, kun itse sanotte näin!
#Åland #äärioikeisto #perussuomalaiset #hallitus #sinimustahallitus #laitaoikeistohallitus #politiikka
#huutonaurua #persut #jyrkialand #rkp #whatatimetobealive #aland #aarioikeisto #perussuomalaiset #hallitus #sinimustahallitus #laitaoikeistohallitus #politiikka
Meanwhile in Japan:
Imagine there's a country which states that they posess machines of #NonHuman origin and no one bats an eye... In my country there's absolutely no media coverage.
#nonhuman #whatatimetobealive #nhi
#Kankaanpää n #natsit ovat mm. suunnitelleet terroristi-iskua vastaanottokeskukseen.
"Epäillyt ovat harjoitelleen ampumista ja opetelleet räjähdysaineen valmistamista lannoitteesta. Esitutkinnan mukaan he valmistivat räjähdysainetta ja kokeilivat niiden käyttöä.
Poliisi on saanut esitutkintansa heidän suhteensa siis nyt valmiiksi.
Ja ministeriaitiossa istuu #natsi.
#WhatAtimeToBeAlive #Junnila #persut #äärioikeisto #terrorismi #terroristit #terroriisku
#kankaanpaa #natsit #natsi #whatatimetobealive #junnila #persut #aarioikeisto #terrorismi #terroristit #terroriisku
I'm just a boy, standing here, crying tears of joy because......gChat finally has.... quote reply. #welcometothefuture #whatatimetobealive 🥲
#welcometothefuture #whatatimetobealive
7 gigabyte over mijn netwerk kopiëren in 27 minuten en tegelijkertijd zonder enig probleem streamen in de andere richting. #WhatATimeToBeAlive :danny:
A bit too lyrical for my taste the way the Metamorphosen were interpreted - as a German, I believe they need to convey also devastation. The Pathetique just incredible. Mahler 9 - the combination of transparency, texttreue with interpretative expression was unique. A tiny little bit more extroversion, going beyond the pure musical I would have desired for the fortissimo parts in the Adagio - still the pianissimo were incredibly touching.
#whatatimetobealive #mahler #strauss #musicaaeterna #tschaikowsky
PS terrible, terrible audience with 3, 4 cellphones going off during the last 3 minutes… incomprehensible how people can be so destructive
#whatatimetobealive #mahler #strauss #musicaaeterna #tschaikowsky
I'm grateful for podcasts
So far today, I've heard interesting things from Banksy, Ken Burns and Gloria Gaynor
I've only been awake an hour
Maar is het nou AI of niet? #whatatimetobealive
RT @skyferrori
Biden’s fault? All of a sudden it is unacceptable? People just need to "work harder"? 🤔
It hasn't stopped rising.
November 2020 it was 2555.40%.
#OverIt #WhatATimeToBeAlive #Inflation #StagnantWages #LivingWages #SameOldSameOld
#overit #whatatimetobealive #inflation #stagnantwages #livingwages #sameoldsameold
@Therealdcgirl @roundy @melodiousowls the week that AC can't do the show and Ye goes on a tear! #whatatimetobealive !
Protestos nas ruas? Na China?? Contra uma directiva do governo???
ITM fediverts!
We had a good thing going over here in the fediverse right up until #WesternWeChat had begun to be concoted by #Elon and #Tencent.
#westernwechat #elon #tencent #whatatimetobealive
@ahacker yup! I'm presenting at a conference next week and will be live tooting and using my Mastodon handle along with my email.