11% of companies be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#CI #CICD #UnitTest #Testing #Automation #Stackoverflow #StackoverflowSurvey #WhatCanGoWrong #SoftwareEngineering
#ci #cicd #unittest #testing #automation #stackoverflow #stackoverflowsurvey #whatcangowrong #softwareEngineering
Holy fuck #Spectrum #ComCast is not sending their best when the tech for a new installation shows up with no ID, a car with a paper tag, and he's squinting between two separate phones. #WhatCanGoWrong
#spectrum #comcast #whatcangowrong
Hi, it me. Running SQL update queries in production. #justanotherfriday #whatcangowrong
#justanotherfriday #whatcangowrong
A mild shiver of excitement at the anticipated arrival of my DAC tomorrow. I'd definitely be more excited if it were anybody other than Evri that was doing the delivery.
😬 😲 🤔
#itwentthataway #temptingfate #whatcangowrong #gah
Aux Etats-Unis, le nombre d'adultes portant une arme de poing chargée sur eux a doublé entre 2015 et 2019. #whatcangowrong https://www.futurity.org/carry-loaded-handgun-2835452-2/?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=carry-loaded-handgun-2835452-2
In the current #dystopia #cyberpunk news We find an AI controlled automatic weapon, called Smart Shooter. https://nitter.net/marwasf/status/1573574943106908162 Soon on your nearest neighbourhoods . #whatcangowrong
#dystopia #cyberpunk #whatcangowrong