Grow weird. Buy weird. Eat weird.
We traditionally ate 6000 plants. Now the world mostly eats just 9 plants causing a fragile & often low quality system with poorer outcomes.
👇Food production. Consumer choice. Diversity & resilience👇
If you want society to value people more than #corporations, & society to take decisions on that basis, then you need more of your friends & contacts to leave #corporate #social & #media.
👇Better comms=better societies. Thread of thoughts & some things we can do👇
#whatcanwedo #corporations #corporate #social #media
-Give #Foodbanks cash donations, not items. You rarely give bags of sand to a cancer charity, or spoons to an animal sanctuary. Donate money to your #Foodbank. It can bulk buy more necessary & cheaper than you can, increasing value.
-Giftaid taxbreak your donations to increase value.
£1 becomes £1.25 in UK
-Don't buy charity singles etc. Lots money is skimmed off that way. Give direct instead.
👇Foodbanks & poverty, what we can do👇
#whatcanwedo #tldr #foodbanks #FoodBank
Doing stuff to help feels a lot better than, just reading about natural & social systems breaking down & then worrying.
👇What can we do👇
#Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Society #Politics #Activism #Action #Inequality
#whatcanwedo #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #society #politics #activism #action #inequality
Eat healthy stuff that saves time & money.
Some inspiration & tips (and a bit of personal motivation😀) for batch cooking.
Save ourselves time, money, stress, health, executive function, footprint. All that good stuff.
👇What can we do👇
Eat weird plant foods.
No really, try & eat more varied. Using weird grains, or grains in weird ways, especially.
Biodiversity means resilience against food supply impacts. Your shopping cart is how you create biodiversity. Online is 1 way. Another is looking for the local stores that serve regional cuisines, like suppliers to asian restaurants is a great tip.
Eat weird plants.
👇What can we do👇
There are more #foodbanks than #McDonalds in the #UK.
But that fact has been around for some time, & #foodbank pressure has been growing & growing. So did everyone just sort of hit that horrible fact & get frozen? How many foodbanks is it now? What's going on? How do we help?
👇What can we do👇
#whatcanwedo #foodbanks #mcdonalds #uk #FoodBank
Want to be part of making a difference to climate change?
Don't just read about natural systems breaking down & worry. There's so much you can easily do yourself.
👇What can we do👇
#whatcanwedo #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Our societies are being run more for the benefit of a few individuals atop corporation pyramids, and far less so for the benefit of humans and others species on this planet. Our leadership & their priorities are controlled by communications.
This is an easy problem for you to have positive contribution towards.
The problems & 6 suggestions for
👇 What can we do👇
What can we do? #WhatCanWeDo
Modern life has too much reading about problems, & far too little solving problems.
Each thread below here offers suggestions you, me, everyone can do.
Identify problem.
Characterise problem.
Offer those suggestions that you, me, everyone can actually do. Do something. Feel better.
Simple, easy stuff that's workable in daily life for anyone to contribute to positive change. Doing something will make you feel vastly better than scrolling endless problems.