The What.CD volume 1 had some real bangers on it. Half-Hearted Hero's "It's Cool, But the Fullblast Did It Already" (itself referencing the Fullblast's "It's Cool, But Moneen Did It Already" #meta :blobaww:) cracks me up everything with its super catchy 200 k/hour chorus:
"How do we get past // Those highways between // Your house and mine // Without wasting time
I don't need a compass or a map // I just need some roller skates and a jetpack"
Love international #cinema & #anime. Too much #bittorrent (hi, #passthepopcorn, #broadcasthenet, #animebytes, #u2, #redacted, #ggn, #emp, & refugees of #whatcd); bit over 100TB usable on #zfs, with ~35TB seeding.
Mostly use #freebsd or #linux with #openzfs. Also a fan of #illumos; kept an eye on it and #smartos since the Anschluss (to the ppl of #Lanai, I stand with you; no lawnmower emoji yet 🚜 is the best I can do).
(P.S. @bcantrill Sun is alive, in some form, in the labs of #Siberia)
#cinema #anime #bittorrent #passthepopcorn #broadcasthenet #animebytes #U2 #redacted #ggn #emp #whatcd #zfs #freebsd #linux #openzfs #illumos #SmartOS #lanai #siberia
RIP #whatcd
I remember wanting to get on that tracker in my teens, but not having the hardware resources nor really the tech know-how/discipline.
I thought my 1yr senior's seedbox was the coolest shit when he gave me an account.
Later I paid him back by managing to get a Demonoid account and "sharing" it with him (he basically took it over).
@1HommeAzerty C'était dans les tutos de #WhatCD à l'époque.
Triste histoire... triste histoire.