Whatcheeria: Human-related crocodile-shaped predator that lived 340 million years ago dubbed ‘T Rex of its day’ | The Independent
Named Whatcheeria, it had huge razor sharp teeth and bone crushing jaws that snapped animals in half
#whatcheeria #humanrelatedpredator #crocodileshapedpredator #originaltrex #trexofitsday #tetrapod
Apex predator of its environment, the Whatcheeria grew extraordinarily rapidly
Long before the dinosaurs or even the advent of the earliest true amphibians and reptiles, Whatcheeria was a genuine apex predator.
#whatcheeria #carboniferous #fossils #palaeontology
#Whatcheeria was a six-foot-long lake-dwelling #creature with a #salamander-like body and a long, narrow head; its #fossils were discovered in a limestone quarry near the town of What Cheer, Iowa.
#Paleontology #sflorg
#whatcheeria #creature #salamander #fossils #paleontology #sflorg