... in the name of making it possible to maintain those ancient, business-critical COBOL systems with more junior, commonly-available, and most of all cheaper Java developers.
This will go well.
#whatcouldgowrong #thisisfine #FAFO
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Blue teams suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
Introducing Python in Excel:
#whatcouldgowrong #pythoninexcel
We are in Glenferrie, going to see The Voyage of the Demeter at 12:40. I do hope it’s a nice salty tale of exciting hijinks on the high seas! What larks!
#MovieExpectations #TheVoyageOfTheDemeter #StrangeCargo #Dracula #WhatCouldGoWrong?
#whatcouldgowrong #dracula #strangecargo #thevoyageofthedemeter #movieexpectations
Terra Power, un candidat au nucléaire soutenu par Bill Gates, vise à construire des dizaines de réacteurs au Royaume-Uni
Londoners cool off in 'sky pool' suspended 115ft in the air between two buildings – video | UK news | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/video/2021/jun/01/londoners-cool-off-in-sky-pool-suspended-115ft-in-the-air-between-two-buildings-video #London #Swimming #Architecture #WhatCouldGoWrong
#whatcouldgowrong #architecture #swimming #london
#WhatCouldGoWrong? Holy f wealth & power remove people from reality. I think maybe that's why they pursue it... it's their drug of choice, it's available...
I prefer #Cannabis & #Solidarity
#whatcouldgowrong #cannabis #solidarity
Sur un gimmick de C. (au moins), pourquoi ne pas lancer cette mode sur les réseaux sociaux. Un post au hasard, quelqu'un qui ne suspecte rien, glisser «tu dis ça parce que tu es en colère».
#lubrification #whatcouldgowrong
One of the more interesting tidbits of the Vision Pro presentation was the bit where you effectively scan yourself with the headset so that the device can create a virtual avatar for you to show other conference participants while you're wearing the headset. Should this catch on, this should normalize the use of avatars (lifelike or not) in these kinds of meetings.
Combine that with voice synthesis and LLMs, and we have a recipe for trouble should your avatar ever leak.
La mise à jour de Google authenticator sur Android : au démarrage il te demande de confirmer ton compte Google et bim, il envoie les clefs chez Google. Aucune information préalable, aucune confirmation. Je me suis déconnecté mais voilà, Google a mes clefs. #WhatCouldGoWrong
@Br3nda @charliejane I dunno, right now tech is automating the "boring and dangerous" work of public surveillance. In #France because of the #olympics
#france #olympics #whatcouldgowrong
I spent the morning on #openscad trying to remember my #geometry homework from several decades ago, and it worked! I have all my core #wled #statusbar #lamp features basically appearing where and how I want! I'm not ready to send it to the #3dprinter again because I have some features to add, but now I can confidently direct them to any part of the object at any scale.
As a reward I'm going to spend the afternoon flying #fpv next to an #AirForce transmitter site.
#whatcouldgowrong #suddenlyhelicopter
#videoblackout #los #lineofsight #lossofsignal
One of these days I should get around to building a #warflyer module out of an #esp32 and a #whoop battery. Lots of cool neighbors on that site.
#openscad #geometry #wled #statusbar #lamp #3dprinter #fpv #AirForce #whatcouldgowrong #suddenlyhelicopter #videoblackout #los #lineofsight #lossofsignal #suddenlylake #warflyer #esp32 #whoop
Your appointment WILL BE RECORDED.
And translated into written word.
Hope you're not Scottish.
"OpenAI-powered app from Microsoft will instantly transcribe patient notes during doctor visits"
A proper serious #rant will follow if I can put it into words. Suffice it to say I'm damn glad I don't participate in the #MedicalIndustrialComplex
#infosec #openai #WhatCouldGoWrong
cc: @elfin
#whatcouldgowrong #openai #InfoSec #medicalindustrialcomplex #rant
I'm doing a cooking experiment, trying to make my own Just Egg.
#vegan #cooking #whatcouldgowrong
I am ready for the #Skynet overlord #WhatCouldGoWrong #Terminator #Matrix #Ultron
#Ultron #Matrix #terminator #whatcouldgowrong #skynet
Fran Blanche
Oh, Those Bots!
#FranBlanche #BotHiresHuman #ChatBot #delusionsBooster #explosive #GPT4 #liar #plagiarism #TextBot #WhatCouldGoWrong
#franblanche #bothireshuman #chatbot #delusionsbooster #explosive #gpt4 #liar #plagiarism #textbot #whatcouldgowrong
Today (well, last week) in "special" -- in his drive to Recreate Capitalism of the Good Old Days, Elon #Musk is apparently re-inventing the old fashioned company town: https://archive.is/wP94j
Hopefully this happened before the person involved had a chance to diffuse his stupidity into the gene pool #ShockingResults #WhatCouldGoWrong #HoldMyBeer #NaturalSelection
#shockingresults #whatcouldgowrong #holdmybeer #naturalselection