Just realized a person with a very nude avatar liked one of my photos.
I clicked on the avatar because I wasn’t sure I was seeing things correctly and yeah. I’m sex positive, I don’t body shame, and damn.
This dude literally and figuratively has balls. What a way to start my morning…#whatdidijustsee
@sjyoung1967 🖖 https://mastodo.fi/@Tuumaru/110125051590066062 I don’t even know how to introduce this. I may have dreamed this. Leonard Nimoy: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins https://youtu.be/BC35cQKHwzg #hobbits #BilboBaggins #LeonardNimoy #WhatDidIJustSee
#hobbits #bilbobaggins #leonardnimoy #whatdidijustsee
I don’t even know how to introduce this. I may have dreamed this. Leonard Nimoy: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins https://youtu.be/BC35cQKHwzg #hobbits #BilboBaggins #LeonardNimoy #WhatDidIJustSee
#hobbits #bilbobaggins #leonardnimoy #whatdidijustsee
Die Frau hört ein Lied zum ersten mal und kann es nach 4 Minuten am Piano nachspielen 😳😱 https://youtu.be/CeMFOHGK3PA #whatdidijustsee