#WhatDougsReading : today Doug is enjoying #Edinburgh based crime with Doug Johnstone's (Dougs support other Dougs!) new Skelf novel from @OrendaBooks , The Opposite of Lonely, and hoping Doug didn't forget about tides & get stuck on Crammond Island...
#books #DougJohnstone #ScottishFiction #ScottishLiterature #CrimeFiction #ScottishCrimeFiction #TheOppositeOfLonely #CramondIsland #Edimbourg #bookshops #librairies #bookstodon
#whatdougsreading #edinburgh #books #dougjohnstone #scottishfiction #scottishliterature #crimefiction #scottishcrimefiction #theoppositeoflonely #cramondisland #edimbourg #bookshops #librairies #bookstodon
#WhatDougsReading : one of our favourite 2022 reads is out this week in paperback from
@canongatebooks , The Edge of the Plain by James Crawford, ideal for those who enjoyed Prisoners of Geography.
#books #livres #ChooseBookshops #JamesCrawford #TheEdgeOfThePlain #borders #history #politics
#whatdougsreading #books #livres #choosebookshops #jamescrawford #theedgeoftheplain #borders #history #politics
#WhatDougsReading : Wain, #LGBT reimaginings of Scottish folklore in #poetry , by Rachel Plummer, illustrated by Helene Boppert, out now from The Emma Press
#books #ChildrensBooks #ChooseBookshops #livres #EmmaPress #RachelPlummer #HeleneBoppert #IllustratedBooks #bookstodon #bookshops #Librairies #ScottishFolklore #folklore
#whatdougsreading #lgbt #poetry #books #childrensbooks #choosebookshops #livres #emmapress #rachelplummer #heleneboppert #illustratedbooks #bookstodon #bookshops #librairies #scottishfolklore #folklore
#WhatDougsReading : Different Times by David Stubbs, a history of British comedy, from Chaplin & Stan Laurel thru Ealing comedies, Spike Milligan, the Pythons to Stewart Lee.
Well, you've got to laugh, haven't you? Out now from
#books #ChooseBookshops #comedy #BritishComedy #AHistoryOfBritishComedy #DavidStubbs #bookstodon #livres #bookshops #libraries #DifferentTimes
#whatdougsreading #books #choosebookshops #comedy #britishcomedy #ahistoryofbritishcomedy #davidstubbs #bookstodon #livres #bookshops #libraries #differenttimes
Good month for Denise Mina readers! Following hot on her new Philip Marlowe novel, The Second Murder (Pub Harvil Secker, and much recommended by our own Joe), now Three Fires arrives from Polygon Books. Doug is very excited!
In a coincidence, Three Fires features the same Italian historical character as D.V. Bishop's recent Florence based historical Whoddunit, Ritual of Fire (which we also highly recommend)
#WhatDougsReading #books #DeniseMina #ChooseBookshops #ThreeFires #TheSecondMurderer #Florence #Italy #Fiction #livres #bookstodon
#whatdougsreading #books #denisemina #choosebookshops #threefires #thesecondmurderer #florence #italy #fiction #livres #bookstodon
#WhatDougsReading : today Hugless Douglas is delving into the Crook Manifesto, as Pulitzer winning scribe Colson Whitehead returns to 1970s Harlem.
We have a limited supply of signed copies from Fleet Books, grab them while you can!
#books #livres #Edinburgh #ChooseBookshops #ColsonWhitehead #CrookManifesto #fiction #SignedBooks #bookstodon #bookshops #librairies #HardbackFiction
#whatdougsreading #books #livres #edinburgh #choosebookshops #colsonwhitehead #crookmanifesto #fiction #signedbooks #bookstodon #bookshops #librairies #hardbackfiction
Just arrived in paperback, The Marriage Portrait by one of our absolute faves, Maggie O'Farrell, out now from Tinder Press
#books #WhatDougsReading #ChooseBookshops #Edinburgh #MaggieOFarrell #livres #TheMarriagePortrait #TinderPress #novel #bookstodon
#books #whatdougsreading #choosebookshops #edinburgh #maggieofarrell #livres #themarriageportrait #tinderpress #novel #bookstodon
#WhatDougsReading : today Hugless Douglas is delving into two musical Nicks, with Richard Morton Jack's new Nick Drake biography from John Murray, & Sean O'Hagan's fascinating Nick Cave book Faith, Hope & Carnage in paperback from
@canongatebooks , which our own Joe loved in hardback last year.
#music #books #biography #bookstodon #NickCave #NickDrake #SeanOHagan #RichardMortonJack #livres #bookshops #librairie #New Books #MusicBiography
#whatdougsreading #music #books #biography #bookstodon #nickcave #nickdrake #seanohagan #richardmortonjack #livres #bookshops #librairie #new #musicbiography
How fabulous does Hugless Douglas look, rocking this vibrant tote bag from Octopus Books to celebrate Fern Brady'samazing Strong Female Character?
#books #WhatDougsReading #ChooseBookshops #StrongFemaleCharacter #FernBrady #ToteBag #livres #bookshops #librairie #bookstodon
#books #whatdougsreading #choosebookshops #strongfemalecharacter #fernbrady #totebag #livres #bookshops #librairie #bookstodon
#WhatDougsReading : today Doug's enjoying learning about Anaximander & the scientific method with Carlo Rovelli's new
Allen Lane Books
#science #History #books #ChooseBookshops #Anaximander #PopularScience #CarloRovelli #livres #HuglesDouglas #bookstodon
#whatdougsreading #Science #history #books #choosebookshops #anaximander #popularscience #carlorovelli #livres #huglesdouglas #bookstodon
#WhatDougsReading : Douglas is happy to see a new Natasha Farrant book arrive! The Rescue of Ravenwood has just come in from Faber.
#books #ChildrensBooks #Edinburgh #HuglessDouglas #TeddyBear #livres #NewBooks #NatashaFarrant #RecommendedReading #TheRescueOfRavenwood #bookstodon
#whatdougsreading #books #childrensbooks #edinburgh #huglessdouglas #teddybear #livres #newbooks #natashafarrant #recommendedreading #therescueofravenwood #bookstodon
#WhatDougsReading : Today Hugless Douglas is enjoying some top-notch feminist #ScienceFiction with the paperback of Laura Lam and Elizabeth May's Seven Mercies from Gollancz
#Books #ChooseBookshops #SevenDevils #FeministScienceFiction #bookshops #HuglessDouglas #NewReleases #NewBooks ##librairie #Edinburgh ~Edimbourg #livres
#whatdougsreading #sciencefiction #books #choosebookshops #sevendevils #feministsciencefiction #bookshops #huglessdouglas #newreleases #newbooks #librairie #edinburgh #livres