nojarama · @nojarama
62 followers · 529 posts · Server
Cate · @lavndrblue
997 followers · 5267 posts · Server

Florida GOP lawmaker who wrote ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill facing up to 35 years after pleading guilty in COVID fraud case

#evilneverwins #whatgoesaroundcomesaround

Last updated 2 years ago

marazico · @marazico
14 followers · 175 posts · Server

Gedankenexperiment: Wenn ich bei jedem Einkauf, bei jeder Unternehmung auf etwas verzichte, was ich nicht unbedingt brauche und das Geld jeden Tag weglege und nach einem Monat das Geld nehme und es irgendjemand gebe, spende, schenke, von dem ich denke er/sie/es kann es besser gebrauchen, würde ich wirklich denken ich hätte etwas verloren?


Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server

In Chess we are forced to play against each other and do damage as exchange hoping for 1 of us to win.

In Life we can learn to share and therefore less people 'lose'. You also have less 'losers' (in many senses of the word) as the aim can be to learn and share, not destroy and conquer.


When I play chess I allow people to take back moves... but make no mistake some people will not allow other that courtesy and won't want to see how learning excels our logic thinking than the retaliation mindset which is often tempting in chess / life.

I could go on about this but that's enough for now... play better chess / life... start to SHARE the experience with less damage overall and get more LEARNING out of everything!

It would be hard for them to beat us and cash-in our bodies and energy if we SHARE more often whatever we like to do already.


Right now allowing people free-stay & some temporary space can avoid these big rents and even allow mutual work to spring up. This gets further than the 'paying for labour as it's too intensive and wasteful to pay (as debt currency) or as 'I only care about this, thank, bye!' and close the door. Living or having frequent conversation allow the quality to come in (which doesn't come in the short term sometimes at all).


#share #learn #yinyang #chess #life #whatgoesaroundcomesaround

Last updated 2 years ago