That I continue to be increasingly older than I once was and that I persist in imagining I still am.
#bogglesthemind #yougoonillcatchup #butidontunderstandiaminvulnerable #waitithinkipulledsomething #whathappened
Reading " What Happened" by Hillary Clinton
She was remarkably prescient #WhatHappened #HillaryClintonwasright#
#hillaryclintonwasright #whathappened
»#Apple has removed #Meduza’s podcast #WhatHappened from Apple Podcasts, without explaining the reason: Earlier this summer, the #Russia|n state #censorship authority had asked Apple to block the show.« #tech #media
#Apple #meduza #whathappened #Russia #censorship #tech #media
I don’t know what happened but I seem to no longer be following a bunch of my friends on here?
Either a bunch of people decided I’m a jerk and simultaneously soft blocked me or I did something unintentionally and somehow unfollowed a bunch of you?
Anyways, Please don’t be offended. I’ll have to find some of you again and re-follow.
What happened to Linda Evangelista?
#lindaevangelista2021 #lindaevangelistacoolsculpting #lindaevangelistadisfigured #supermodel #whathappened #whathappenedtolindaevangelista #whathappenedtolindaevangelistaface #リンダ・エバンジェリスタ
#lindaevangelista2021 #lindaevangelistacoolsculpting #lindaevangelistadisfigured #supermodel #whathappened #whathappenedtolindaevangelista #whathappenedtolindaevangelistaface #リンダ・エバンジェリスタ
Only just started using my Pixelfed account, and already a comment of mine was unlisted so that a person can review it for spam. Wtf? 😆 All I commented was "You're welcome", how is that spam? I'm confused.
#confused #Pixelfed #whathappened #lol
I'd like to point out the correct way to refill this Tissue Holder:
The Roll dispenses OVER.
#Bathroom #Tissue #roll #OverUnder
#Crazy #Trial #WhatHappened #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmmm
#bathroom #tissue #roll #overunder #crazy #trial #whathappened #thingsthatmakeyougohmmm
Bit of an odd one today, our google homes are set to speak with a male american voice, except last night they all changed to a female american voice, we didnt change any settings.....
#googlehomemini #theyretakingover #whathappened
What Will Future Homes Look Like?
(Filmed in the 1960's - Narrated by Walter Cronkite)
Trust those town planners and architects to know how you'll want to live in the future.
Don't get involved, leave them to it, They know what's best for you.
#distopianfuture #whathappened #howdidwegethere #butterpies
Tuxie the Cow Cat is one happy dude being an office cat. Wish I knew his back story but none the less he's happy he's inside and not out in the -° temps.
#cat #cats #catsOfMastodon #catComfort #strayToIndoor #whatHappened #animals #animalsOfMastodon #abandoned #abandonedCat #strayLife
#cat #cats #catsofmastodon #catcomfort #straytoindoor #whathappened #animals #animalsofmastodon #abandoned #abandonedcat #straylife
What Happened?
#whathappened #ugly #chaos #ewe #weird #streamofconsciousness #messy #abstractexpressionism #abstract #abstractart #timelapsevideo #timelapseart #processvideo #processart #timelapseartvideo #drawing #art #illustration #sharpie #sharpieart #paintmarker #paperbag #paperbagart #brownbag #brownbagart #lunchbag #lunchbagart #snackbag #snackbagart #snackadelic
#whathappened #ugly #chaos #ewe #weird #streamofconsciousness #messy #abstractexpressionism #abstract #abstractart #timelapsevideo #timelapseart #processvideo #processart #timelapseartvideo #drawing #art #illustration #sharpie #sharpieart #paintmarker #paperbag #paperbagart #brownbag #brownbagart #lunchbag #lunchbagart #snackbag #snackbagart #snackadelic
Well, this is not a headline I expected to read today:
"Human heart found in TDOT salt pile in Humphreys County"
#tdot #tennessee #whathappened
#Grantwahl #Question #News #Whathappened? #football #FIFA
Body of soccer journalist Grant Wahl returned to US for autopsy
"The body of prominent American journalist Grant Wahl has been returned to the US and an autopsy is being performed after he died while covering the World Cup in Qatar, his manager said."
#Grantwahl #Question #News #Whathappened? #football #FIFA
Body of soccer journalist Grant Wahl returned to US for autopsy
"an autopsy is being performed after he died while covering the World Cup in Qatar, his manager said."
#grantwahl #question #news #whathappened #football #fifa
If you don't get emotional watching this... #GOUtes #22Forever #LLTJ #LLAL #Back22Back
RT @Utah_Football
Grit, unwavering belief and team chemistry.
Don't EVER count the Utes out.
#FamilyOnThree #WhatHappened #22forever
#GOUTES #22Forever #lltj #llal #back22back #familyonthree #whathappened
@saffronhowden IKR even I have a garden (I am not a gardener though) but I am planting some nice lilly pillies a friend gave me #WhatHappened
Do you ever wake up with this AMAZNG IDEA and then spend the rest of the day trying to remember what it was? LOL ....Me today #brightidea #idea #ideas #smart #yeahright #genius #geniuswannabe #ohwell #wednesday #wednesdaythoughts #thinking #think #brain #brainpower #whathappened #wherediditgo #tomorrow #betterlucknexttime #theonethatgotaway #fun #funny #cute #buyintoart
#brightidea #idea #ideas #smart #yeahright #genius #geniuswannabe #ohwell #wednesday #wednesdaythoughts #thinking #think #brain #brainpower #whathappened #wherediditgo #tomorrow #betterlucknexttime #TheOneThatGotAway #fun #funny #cute #BuyIntoArt
I am also struggling with a small keyboard as well as an interface from the 70s #newbie #whathappened
BREAKING: JW uncovered even more #Clinton emails showing pay-for-play & mishandling classified info.#WhatHappened
We do however have mechanisms in place to ensure that the voices of many do not drown out the voices of a few and we remove customer reviews that violate our community guidelines.
Some choice quotes from Hillary Clinton's book on losing an election.
Original source:
As the OP tweets: if the whole book were like this & she wasn't so deluded with vengeance, it'd be a tragedy
#whathappened #hillaryclinton #selfwallowingbullshit