Natural selection to those spiders coming out to say hello and subsequently being whacked causes all those spiders you can’t see to hide better! #omg #whathaveidone
Legacy Code refakturieren ist nicht Witzig. Auch nicht, oder sogar besonders nicht, bei eigenem. #whatHaveIdone #golang
Wistful wondering.
#arsenal #arsenalfc #nld #mudryk #chelsea #whathaveidone
Our TV came with the LG Channels app. Up until now, it's basically been tuned to New KPop when my spouse has been home, or BeInSports / Real Madrid to get my kids familiar with #soccer/football/footy.
Yesterday, I scrolled through the channel list and saw KFood. Naturally, I thought it was a #cooking channel for Korean #Food, something I haven't really tried cooking yet, but I would like to try in the not-to-distant future.
It really isn't.
My kids are now addicted to #Mukbang, which is basically a smallish person eating an incredibly large amount of food on camera.
#soccer #cooking #food #mukbang #whathaveidone
TIL: One CANNOT run freebsd-update on different basedirs simultaneously, e.g. multiple jails.
#hmmmthatsodd #whathaveidone #sysadminnery #freebsd
This festive morning I accidentally taught my toddler that dragons gobble instead of roar, and now my mind is plagued by the image of gobbling dragons.
Thread, 1/5:
I spent a couple of decades as a software developer. Usually my mission was to make companies more productive, efficient, and effective at whatever they were doing. I would do this by examining their methods, identifying situations where such methods could be partially or fully automated, and writing custom software to accomplish that automation.
#software #developer #showerthoughts #random #thinking #progress #productivity #whathaveidone
#software #developer #showerthoughts #random #thinking #progress #Productivity #whathaveidone
Help I have a done a thing and now desperately need your recommendations for the best #books for kids on raising #puppies
#books #puppies #KidsAndPuppies #whathaveidone
It’s been a good decade since I’ve really played Dwarf Fortress. But I got more than enough enjoyment when I did that even if I barely play it now, I happily paid them for the new release.
I have created a world, found a spot to create a fortress, and stocked up an expedition. Then I had to go figure out dinner so I saved before actually doing anything. I hope I got a sufficient variety of skills, but it’s almost certainly inadequate.
#dwarffortress #losingisfun #whathaveidone
@danhon #whathaveidone #thiswasaterribleidea is my middle name :mastodon_oops:
#whathaveidone #thiswasaterribleidea
#foaf #mastodon #foafstodon #whathaveidone #thiswasaterribleidea #python #mutuals
Anyone else noticed that @killyourfm is so occupied with Mastodon that there were no more Steam juice this week?
So there goes my money: and while I was at the store just bought a too #whathaveidone
So anyways, this is what happens to a bust of Augustus when you put it through a makeup app on your phone.
I’m thinking I’ll do Vespasian next.
#classicstwitter #whathaveidone
what possessed me into thinking generating control flow graphs (and really anything involving static analysis in general!) would be straightforward or even simple?
I need to be analysing and comparing results for my EuroBSDcon talk -- not figuring out how to build clang/llvm to spit out what I need!
which reminds me...Net, Free, and Dragonfly all also use clang as their default (for amd64, at least) compiler, right?