Kay Dub · @kaydubatl
413 followers · 369 posts · Server mastodon.world

I’m telling you, being on and coming across such amazing in various feeds has been such a pleasant surprise… so much that it is really making me want to get out my that’s been sitting in a bag for years and get back to shooting and . Y’all have been so inspiring! 📸 🌳 ☀️☺️

#mastodon #photography #nikon #landscapephotography #streetphotography #twittermigration #goodthingsaboutmastodon #whatilikeaboutmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

#SCIENCEMATTERS · @ottawatts
273 followers · 208 posts · Server mstdn.social

so far is how many other twitfugees have felt comfortable adding real avatars on this platform. I encourage anyone who is able to show off your face. This isn't the sleaze haven you escaped from (even if you're still there, this seems to be a place of refuge)

#wehavesnacks #Introduction #welcome #migration #whatilikeaboutmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago