Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: 3 People Say They Were Tricked Into Participating in Matt Walsh's Anti-Trans Film 'What Is a Woman' #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #antilgbtsentiment #transgenderyouth #rebeccadobkowitz #genderdysphoria #michelleforcier #transfeminists #bisexualwomen #robbystarbuck #whatisawoman #transphobia #marcibowers #transwoman #mattwalsh #elierlick #naiaokami #bower #naia
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #antilgbtsentiment #transgenderyouth #rebeccadobkowitz #genderdysphoria #michelleforcier #transfeminists #bisexualwomen #robbystarbuck #whatisawoman #transphobia #marcibowers #transwoman #MattWalsh #elierlick #naiaokami #bower #naia
Seriously, is nobody concerned that the head of the EHRC is a creationist?
It's the 21st Century - how can you be in charge of a non-governmental body and believe that human bodies were 'designed', for sex or anything else?!?
#ehrc #transphobia #Falkner #equalities #whatisawoman #queerphobia #evolution #science
#EHRC #transphobia #falkner #equalities #whatisawoman #queerphobia #Evolution #Science
#WhatIsAWoman ? Eine einfachen Frage sollte man meinen. Aber ....
Für mich ist klar, dass Erwachsene über ihr Geschlecht entscheiden können. Kinder u. Teens aber keinesfalls.
Oben genannte können keinesfalls die Tragweite ihres Entschlusses absehen.
Oben genanntes beschreibt meine Meinung ist keineswegs ein Angriff oder eine Beleidigung der LGBTQ.
Doku nicht mehr verlinkt, weil der Beitrag seltsamer Weise bei YouTube gelöscht wurde.
#Gender #LGBTQ
How much do you want to bet we can find unsuspended people who use words like "tranny", repeat the hashtag #WhatIsAWoman, and generally harass trans people?
I don't know who needs to hear this but words don't refer to things in the physical world because there are no "things" in the physical world. Words refer to abstractions. That doesn't mean they're not useful but if you try to treat language like mathematics this will bite you in the ass real quick.
Mathematics don't work so well because they match reality perfectly, they work because we have created them from whole cloth with complete disregard for reality. Even basic geometric shapes are an impossibility in the physical world. The entirety of physical sciences are built on leaky abstractions we have found to offer predictive power, not perfect truths.
The universe is soup and we have to define the chunks into existence to make sense of it. Words mean what we agree on them meaning and this changes over time and that's fine. There's nothing special about "biological sex" and there's no reason to pretend gender has to give it any more than a passing glance when talking about society. Definitions are fuzzy, heuristics are king, truth is ultimately unknowable.
#transrightsarehumanrights #whatisawoman #terf #semantics
I don’t think feminism ever tried to give a fixed definition of women; they tried to give women the freedom to work that out for themselves.
And cis men find that threatening.
#LGBTQ #Feminism #Transgender #Transphobia #WhatIsAWoman
#lgbtq #feminism #transgender #transphobia #whatisawoman
I’ve never heard the concept of the gender spectrum more clearly explained than through this presentation of the Infinite Gender Cube.
They’re really committing to the bit. All this and they still can’t explain what a woman is.
A campaign so wrong, so full of deceit
Goaded Musk to voice his defeat
But Ella Irwin chose her own path
Her exit no longer in the aftermath
Twitter now has calmed, the Storm has passed
#transrights #elonmusk #ellairwin #whatisawoman #poetry
Matt Walsh Highlights Glaring Media Bias Over ‘What Is A Woman?’ In One Tweet #WhatIsAWoman #MattWalsh
What changed our ideas of a woman? Does gender choice blur the lines between the biological reality of a man and a woman?
Elon Musk Personally Elevates Transphobic Video Originally Flagged as Hate Speech
“Every parent should watch this,” said the man disowned by his trans daughter
#LGBTQIA #HateSpeech #WhatIsAWoman
#lgbtqia #HateSpeech #whatisawoman
#WhatIsAWoman ? Eine einfachen Frage sollte man meinen. Aber ....
Für mich ist klar, dass Erwachsene über ihr Geschlecht entscheiden können. Kinder u. Teens aber keinesfalls.
Doku unten verlinkt.
#Gender #LGBTQ
Daily Wire on Twitter
It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?
Watch the explosive documentary starring
FREE on Twitter for 24 hrs.
The woeful outworkings of the rabid trans agenda and Alliance’s pandering approach to every ‘fashionable’ fad.
RT @News_Letter: Alliance Party leader Naomi Long declines to answer 'what is a woman?' as she gets embroiled in simmering Twitter argument about transgenderism
#whatisawoman #Alliance #adulthumanfemale #TransRights #transgender
#whatisawoman #Alliance #AdultHumanfemale #transrights #transgender
What is a Woman ? (2022)
Ce film est un déversoir à merde, une propagande transphobe tant dans le fond que dans la forme.
Un discours conservateur d’un autre temps.
#WhatIsaWoman? #Transidentité #Transphobie #Trans #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+ #Féminisme #Féministe #Femme #Documentaire #Film #Cinema #JustinFolk #MattWalsh #DailyWire
#whatisawoman #transidentite #transphobie #trans #lgbtq #lgbtqia #feminisme #feministe #femme #documentaire #film #cinema #justinfolk #mattwalsh #dailywire
Warum sagen Transsexuelle, das biologische Geschlecht spiele keine Rolle und versuchen sich dann die biologischen Merkmale des Wunschgeschlechtes nachbauen zu lassen? #whatisawoman
I hate that I could make the leftists' case for defining a woman in #WhatIsAWoman better than any of them did.
The following is what I surmise a critical theory-based definition of the word woman is:
A woman is someone who identifies themselves as having the most feminine gender possible. Femininity and masculinity are subjective and evolving social constructs that are dictated by a combination of mannerisms, appearance, behaviors, and personality traits, resting on opposite ends of the gender spectrum. While feminine men and masculine women can exist, they will likely either not be on the opposite side of the gender spectrum as their gender identity, or they will have a self-perception that aligns with their chosen gender.
For example: a masculine woman views herself as feminine overall, OR she may be more masculine than the average woman, but still more feminine than the average man, placing her on the feminine side of the gender spectrum.
Do any leftists who follow me agree with this? Have I represented y'all accurately here?
For those who haven't heard of #BlaireWhite before, she is an amazing & very intelligent #transwoman. Her interviews, videos, & podcast are all really great and I highly recommend them to everyone. I do hope I'll get to meet her someday ^_^
Recently she reviewed the new movie "What is a Woman?" by #MattWalsh. Her review was very well done, so I wanted to share it:
#blairewhite #transwoman #mattwalsh #trans #whatisawoman