The world is given but once. Nothing is reflected. The original and the mirror-image are identical. The world extended in space and time is but our representation. Experience does not give us the slightest clue of its being anything besides that. #读书笔记 #whatislife
The scientist only impose two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists. #读书笔记 #WhatIsLife
One of the best #startrektng episodes. Just got tears in my eyes during the ending. #startrek #whatislife
#whatislife #startrek #startrektng
... TrpR thus carries information about Trp concentration to the operon, resulting in RNA pol stopping #transcription (4). In other words, the metabolic flux is coupled to an information flux, and I argue this is the essence of #whatislife.
When shaking a container of milk do you:
A) Shake the container a predetermined number of times.
B) Shake the jug until the noise it makes sounds like the appropriate amount
C) Mindlessly shake away until you give up
#whatislife #importantquestions #milk