Hello to the folks who have followed me since I joined here😄
I’ve been trying my best to bring folk over “from the dark side” - but to no avail.
Either way, I’m slowly getting used to how things work here ( though I’m not remotely political - there was enough of that on Twitter -eww) I do love reading posts about #Writing #WritersLife #Gardening #Cats #Blogging #Books #Life #Traveling #Holidays #Scotland #UK #Australia #DisabilityMastodon #Pets #Memes #DankMeme #TVShows #Foodie #Cooking #WhatMakesYouHappy #Music #LiveBands #Comedy #StandUpComedy #Podcast #YouTube #Lols #Laughter #RandomThoughts #Joy #Smiles #Dogs #Doggo #ASMR #Inspired #GettingToKnowFolks #Fangirling #Fandoms #Fanfic #FanficCommunity #Outlander #OutlanderStarz #JamieFraser #ClaireFraser #SamHeughan #CaitrìonaBalfe #MPC #MyPeakChallenge #Arts #ArtsAndCrafts #80s #90s #MarriedLife #Music #Whisky #WhiskyCollector
Yeah, that about covers it. I hope we can sit down and have a chinwag 😁
Looking forward to it.
#writing #writerslife #gardening #cats #blogging #books #life #traveling #holidays #scotland #uk #australia #disabilitymastodon #pets #memes #dankmeme #tvshows #foodie #cooking #whatmakesyouhappy #music #livebands #comedy #standupcomedy #podcast #youtube #lols #laughter #randomthoughts #joy #smiles #dogs #doggo #asmr #inspired #gettingtoknowfolks #fangirling #fandoms #fanfic #fanficcommunity #outlander #outlanderstarz #jamiefraser #clairefraser #samheughan #caitrionabalfe #mpc #mypeakchallenge #arts #artsandcrafts #80s #90s #marriedLife #whisky #whiskycollector
@distel They are just so-o-o-o asking for an edit: cross out "yoga" replace with "of #WhatMakesYouHappy".
You might have to consider that you've "aged out" of some of these articles by now... (I'm remembering the first instances of seeing an article and thinking, "Hang on, that was The Big Thing back in my first year of high school..."