This mug accurately portrays my current feelings. If someone wanted to buy it for me ... No not really.
Skull Stuck Between Idk Idc And Idgaf
#moneytroubles #whatnow #depression
Nach unzähligen Versuchen und verschiedensten Situationen, in denen ich mich an den Geschmack von #Hafermilch als Ersatz von #Kuhmilch gewöhnen wollte, habe ich heute die für mich einzig brauchbare Variante entdeckt, in der der Geschmack überhaupt nicht stört: Haferflocken in Hafermilch!
Ich denke, damit bin ich dem Weltfrieden ein Stück näher gekommen.
#GoVegan #vegan #StayVegetarian #WhatNow
#hafermilch #kuhmilch #govegan #vegan #stayvegetarian #whatnow
@juddlegum latest thread includes the following, which made my eyes fall right out of my head and roll around on the floor.
#Transphobia #MoralPanic #WhatNow? #Bologna #ClownsAndMoreClowns
#clownsandmoreclowns #bologna #whatnow #moralpanic #transphobia
There are Many #BlessingsInDisgise . I thank The Lord for #understanding and #wisdom #TheMostImportantKeysToLife #whatnow#forthcoming
#blessingsindisgise #understanding #wisdom #themostimportantkeystolife #whatnow
So you've signed up to Mastodon and ended up at a blank screen. Adrift. Wondering #WhatNow?
What you're feeling is the loss of Engagement Algorithms and dark patterns designed to steer you into addictive feedback loops. In the absence of those marketing-eng tricks, you have to build your own timeline.
By searching #twitter for "mastodon" and limiting it to "accounts you follow", you can find your first Mastodon follows. Paste the contact info into a mastodon search & follow their account.