speelt hij nog eens samen met Paul tvv de #DavidLynchFoundation.
Vanaf 2010 tot 2019 brengt hij nog 5 soloalbums uit, in 2019 zijn 20st album #WhatsMyName?
Opgenomen in zijn eigen homestudio.
Naar aanleiding van zijn 80ste verjaardag zendt hij in juli 2020 een livestream uit met oa #DaveGhroll, dit vervangt het geplande concert in het gebouw van capitol records.
Op 16 december 2020 brengt hij een nieuwe single uit, en kondigt een tournee aan, maar alles wordt afgelast op 1 oktober 2022.
#davidlynchfoundation #whatsmyname #daveghroll
Added K2OSINT Bookmarklet to the https://github.com/WebBreacher/WhatsMyName/blob/main/README.md page. It lets you enter a username in a popup and then opens a new tab with the WMN results in your browser. Simple. Elegant. Effective.
Made a quick video/GIF of using the tool.
How are you using WMN?
Early-morning musings:
In 2017, I won $200 for lip syncing “Great Balls of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis, dressed as Jerry Lee Lewis, with cardboard cutouts of flames glued to the piano I was using.
My husband said afterwards, “My God. You really acted like a MAN.” A tiny bit misogynistic to say, yes, but he sees me as his cute little wife who has a lot of makeup. I doubt he’ll ever see me as I am, which is bat sh*t insane. And that’s okay.
I’ll be famous one day. Or infamous.
Closing out my last day of 38 with some sexy street vibes courtesy of Rihanna. On to 39 and feeling divine 🥳 #whatsmyname #Rihanna #adultdance #dance #gay
#whatsmyname #Rihanna #adultdance #dance #gay
Happy to be over here in Mastodon.
MIy #introduction is simple. This is the official account of the #OSINT open-source project called #WhatsMyName.
Our GitHub is https://github.com/WebBreacher/WhatsMyName and our web interface is https://whatsmyname.app.
@webbreacher is the project maintainer.
#introduction #osint #whatsmyname
Happy to be over here in Mastodon.
MIy #introduction is simple. This is the official account of the #OSINT open-source project called #WhatsMyName.
Our GitHub is https://github.com/WebBreacher/WhatsMyName and our web interface is https://whatsmyname.app.
@webbreacher is the project maintainer.
#introduction #osint #whatsmyname