Inspiring a Revolution in Your Heart and Mind - Newcastle
Term 3: Awakening Love and Compassion
Tuesdays, 18 July to 19 Sep, 11:15am to 1:15pm
In Person at Infuse Health, 4/10 William St, Adamstown
#meditation #mindfulness #mindful #meditationpractice #mind
#compassion #kindness #happy #SpiritualJourney #lovingkindness
#newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #huntervalley #infusehealth
#meditation #mindfulness #mindful #meditationpractice #mind #manifest #compassion #kindness #happy #spiritualjourney #lovingkindness #newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #HunterValley #infusehealth
Inspiring a Revolution in Your Heart and Mind
Suitable for people of any religion or of none, the course encourages you to reflect on the Buddhist teachings, to see what makes sense to you and to experiment with applying these teachings in your daily life.
Infuse Health, 4/10 William St, Adamstown
Tuesday mornings
#newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #huntervalley
#meditation #mindfulness #mindful
#newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #HunterValley #infusehealth #meditation #mindfulness #mindful
A great opportunity to practice meditation in a supportive environment.
No booking necessary.
#meditation #mindfulness #mentalfitness #freemeditation #headspace
#contemplativescience #psychology #mindscience #meditationpractice #manifest #inspiration #flourish #purpose #Spirituality
#TibetanBuddhism #InfuseHealth #Adamstown #Kotara
#NewLambton #Broadmeadow #Merewether #newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw
#2nurfm #huntervalley #yourmove
#meditation #mindfulness #mentalfitness #freemeditation #headspace #contemplativescience #psychology #mindscience #meditationpractice #manifest #inspiration #flourish #purpose #spirituality #TibetanBuddhism #infusehealth #adamstown #kotara #newlambton #broadmeadow #merewether #newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #HunterValley #yourmove
#meditation #mindfulnes #meditationpractice #mind
#manifest #flourish #purpose #inspiration #inspo
#mentalhealth #buddhismforbeginners #consciousliving #TibetanBuddhism #spirituality
#wellbeing #headtohealth #peace #karma #bestlife
#SpiritualJourney #soulsearch
#newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #huntervalley
#meditation #mindfulnes #meditationpractice #mind #manifest #flourish #purpose #inspiration #inspo #mentalhealth #buddhismforbeginners #consciousliving #TibetanBuddhism #spirituality #wellbeing #headtohealth #peace #karma #bestlife #spiritualjourney #soulsearch #newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #HunterValley #infusehealth
Drop-in sessions. Practice #meditation in a supportive environment.
Rigpa #Newcastle
Friday 31 Mar 6.00-6.45pm
#mindfulness #inspiration #infusehealth #whatsonnewcastlensw #HunterValley
#meditation #newcastle #mindfulness #inspiration #infusehealth #whatsonnewcastlensw #HunterValley
Spend Easter bringing your mind home in with a community of meditators
#newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #huntervalley
#meditation #mindfulness #mind #buddhism #Spirituality
#Calm #inspiration #Easter2023 #retreat #meditationretreat
#newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #HunterValley #infusehealth #meditation #mindfulness #mind #buddhism #spirituality #calm #inspiration #easter2023 #retreat #meditationretreat
Inspiring a Revolution in Your Heart and Mind
#meditation #mindfulnes #meditationpractice #mind
#manifest #flourish #purpose #inspiration #inspo
#mentalhealth #buddhismforbeginners #consciousliving #TibetanBuddhism #spirituality
#wellbeing #soulsearch #peace #karma #bestlife
#newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #huntervalley
#meditation #mindfulnes #meditationpractice #mind #manifest #flourish #purpose #inspiration #inspo #mentalhealth #buddhismforbeginners #consciousliving #TibetanBuddhism #spirituality #wellbeing #soulsearch #peace #karma #bestlife #newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #HunterValley #infusehealth
Drop-in sessions. Practice #meditation in a supportive environment.
Rigpa #Newcastle
Friday 27 Jan 6.00-6.45pm
#mindfulness #inspiration #infusehealth #whatsonnewcastlensw #huntervalley
#meditation #newcastle #mindfulness #inspiration #infusehealth #whatsonnewcastlensw #HunterValley
Inspiring a Revolution in Your Heart and Mind
Newcastle Tuesday mornings starting 7 Feb
#meditation #mindfulness #mindful #meditationpractice #mind
#newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #huntervalley
#meditation #mindfulness #mindful #meditationpractice #mind #newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #HunterValley #infusehealth
Rigpa Newcastle
Friday 25 Nov 6.00-6.45pm
Infuse Health, 4/10 William St, Adamstown
These drop-in meditation sessions are a great opportunity to practice meditation in a supportive environment.
No booking necessary.
#meditation #mindfulness #mentalfitness #freemeditation #headspace
#psychology #manifest #inspiration #flourish #purpose #Spirituality
#TibetanBuddhism #Adamstown
#NewLambton #Broadmeadow #Merewether #newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw
#2nurfm #huntervalley
#meditation #mindfulness #mentalfitness #freemeditation #headspace #psychology #manifest #inspiration #flourish #purpose #spirituality #TibetanBuddhism #adamstown #newlambton #broadmeadow #merewether #newcastle #whatsonnewcastlensw #2nurfm #HunterValley