Finally getting to my #BookshelfPhoto, inspired by @kwheaton. Kelly notes that this is a great way to tell a little about yourself. Play along! This is one of my three and a half cookbook shelves & contains two vintage tomes from my beloved great aunt. They contain some *interesting* recipes!
#WhatsOnYourBookshelf #Booksodon #Books #Cookbooks
#bookshelfphoto #whatsonyourbookshelf #booksodon #books #cookbooks
@kwheaton @NancyWallaceGA Not my only shelf but the one that was handy. #WhatsOnYourBookshelf #gardening #gardeningbooks
#gardeningbooks #Gardening #whatsonyourbookshelf
Saw a #WhatsOnYourBookshelf hashtag floating around. #ShelfieSaturday? #Books #Bookstodon Here are a couple of mine. I had tried to shelve them by colour but they’re a bit messy now. Show me your #Bookshelves ! 📚📖
#whatsonyourbookshelf #shelfiesaturday #books #bookstodon #bookshelves
@kwheaton mostly natural history titles on this one #WhatsOnYourBookshelf #books #bookstodon
#bookstodon #books #whatsonyourbookshelf