Sunny again, so of course the petrol mowers are out again pointlessly burning up the fossil fuels to obsessively maintain the dead, green monoculture. #WhatsThePoint
"Instagram’s new Threads app is “not going to do anything to encourage” politics and “hard news,” Instagram boss Adam Mosseri said in a Threads conversation with The Verge’s Alex Heath."
#WhatsThePoint #Twitter #Threads #Politics #News #CurrentEvents
#whatsthepoint #twitter #threads #politics #News #CurrentEvents
So laying in bed wondering if it’s actually worth getting up… #depressed #whatsThePoint
I'm starting to think the solution to all this AI/ChatGPT stuff is to design an AI that will read all the stuff the other AIs spew out. Then the computers can busy themselves all day with just talking at each other. Those so inclined can evesdrop now and then to get their kicks while the rest of us get on with living. #ChatGPT #ai #whatsthepoint
When you're broke but went out of your way to help ensure everybody got what was on their mandatory xmas wish list but they gifted like they never even saw yours (wrong gifts, wrong sizes no receipts, and just canceling a medical bill “iou” through a note inside a money card that they well knew I was never going to be able to pay back anyways) 😑🥺 #knewiwasstruggling #dysfunctionalfamily #shitparenting #audhd #audhdburnout #adhd #actuallyautistic #petty #adultadhd #adultautism #adultaudhd #merryxmas #happyholidays #hurt #doublestandard #invalidatingparents #trumpsupportingboomers #struggling #donationsstillcrucial #icouldvepaidbills #whatsthepoint #makeitmakesense #latedx #selfdx
#knewiwasstruggling #dysfunctionalfamily #shitparenting #AuDHD #audhdburnout #adhd #actuallyautistic #petty #adultadhd #adultautism #adultaudhd #merryxmas #happyholidays #hurt #doublestandard #invalidatingparents #trumpsupportingboomers #struggling #donationsstillcrucial #icouldvepaidbills #whatsthepoint #makeitmakesense #LateDX #SelfDx
When you're broke but went out of your way to help ensure everybody got what was on their mandatory amas wish list but they gifted like they never even saw yours (wrong gifts, wrong sizes no receipts, and just canceling a medical bill “iou” through a note inside a money card that they well knew I was never going to be able to pay back anyways) 😑🥺 #knewiwasstruggling #dysfunctionalfamily #shitparenting #audhd #audhdburnout #adhd #actuallyautistic #petty #adultadhd #adultautism #adultaudhd #merryxmas #happyholidays #hurt #doublestandard #invalidatingparents #trumpsupportingboomers #struggling #donationsstillcrucial #icouldvepaidbills #whatsthepoint #makeitmakesense
#knewiwasstruggling #dysfunctionalfamily #shitparenting #AuDHD #audhdburnout #adhd #actuallyautistic #petty #adultadhd #adultautism #adultaudhd #merryxmas #happyholidays #hurt #doublestandard #invalidatingparents #trumpsupportingboomers #struggling #donationsstillcrucial #icouldvepaidbills #whatsthepoint #makeitmakesense
Anyone else ever wanna just walk off a cliff because what’s the point if you can’t financially afford surviving the rat race anymore anyways? Nm “living”. What’s living?📱 be shut off in 48 hrs b/c I can’t pay my bills. 🏦 close my account another wk or so after that - fck. #idontknowwhattodo #ratrace #cantkeepdoingthis #billsbillsbills #whatsthepoint #mutualaid #endlesslygaspingforair #audhd #stressvomiting #depression #audhdburnout
#idontknowwhattodo #ratrace #cantkeepdoingthis #billsbillsbills #whatsthepoint #MutualAid #endlesslygaspingforair #AuDHD #stressvomiting #depression #audhdburnout
K I think I waited long enough. Thanks to all... zero of you for your compelling answers, but they just weren't enough to convince me.
I'm done. If anyone has any reason to contact me, my email is on my profile.
I won't hold my breath.
#depression #mentalhealth #whatsthepoint I don't even really know what's up with me anymore
#Depression #mentalhealth #whatsthepoint
100 percent accurate!!!
#covid19 #coronaviruspandemic #covidvacccine #whatsthepoint #tyranny
#COVID19 #CoronavirusPandemic #covidvacccine #whatsthepoint #tyranny
After 23 days simply remotely upgrade and reboot the Archlinux workstation without any issues #whatsthepoint #archlinux