That stonemason laying the new driveway got so frustrated, that he decided to throw in the trowel. #WhatsUpDoc #TCMParty
Haven’t seen it, will go on my list.
Rarely do more than a few years go by that I don’t rewatch #BringingUpBaby or it’s more modern remake #WhatsUpDoc. These two movies leave rolling every time.
My folks were over last night and we have a little slideshow that runs on our Apple TV that has screenshots from movies. A screenshot from this one came up and my dad told me I had to put it on.
I have always loved #WhatsUpDoc. From its physical humor, to the crazy story, to the well written and performed lines, and it is all set in #SanFrancisco. If you haven't seen this one drop everything and go watch it!
My folks were over last night and we have a little slideshow that runs on our Apple TV that has screenshots from movies. A screenshot from this one came up and my dad told me I had to put it on.
I have always loved #WhatsUpDoc. From its physical humor, to the crazy story, to the well written and performed lines, and it is all set in #SanFrancisco. If you haven't seen this one drop everything and go watch it!
It’s really hard to limit to a small number, but if I had to pick top Desert Island Movies, #Whatsupdoc would definitely be among them.