#WhatTheDuck Des canards, des chewing-gums géants et la baie de Saint-Michel… What could possibly go wrong?
À découvrir dans l’épisode 11 de #OnAToutVu sorti mercredi, partout où vous écoutez vos podcasts 🎧 https://onatoutvu.com
Hey those of you who love podcasts...
Just sharing a few of my faves...
[What The Duck?!] The ostrich-riding bushranger #whatTheDuck
Petition to make “Ducking” officially recognized by Merriam Webster as a synonym for “Fucking.”
*This includes other variations such as duck and ducker (just to be thorough).
#poll #whattheduck #motherduckingautocorrect #duckoff
📬 Siedler steckt wohl hinter dem Relaunch von usenet.WTF
#Filesharing #Szene #Usenet #Warez #Beasti #SaugiSaugbär #Siedler #Stanleybarker #Usenetwtf #Whattheduck https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/usenet/siedler-steckt-wohl-hinter-dem-relaunch-von-usenet-wtf-262517.html
#whattheduck #Usenetwtf #stanleybarker #siedler #saugisaugbar #beasti #warez #usenet #szene #filesharing