Da #WhatTheFuck Bündnis aus #Berlin informiert bei uns über das vermeintliches "Infoportal" für trans Jugendliche #keinmädchen. Dieses ist antifeministisch und transfeindlich und kommt aus dem christlich, fundamentalistischen Spektrum, das auch die #DemoFürAlle organisiert. WhatTheFuck ruft zum Protest gegen die sog. LebensschützerInnen auf. https://rdl.de/beitrag/vermeintlichesinfoportal-f-r-trans-jugendliche-entlarvt
#whatthefuck #berlin #keinmadchen #demofuralle
In der Oberstufe antisemitische Hetzschriften verfassen ist also ein lässliche Jugendsünde. Jugendliche Klimaaktivisten hingegen sind des Teufels. #whatthefuck #Aiwanger #AiwangerRuecktritt
#whatthefuck #Aiwanger #aiwangerruecktritt
Describe #CopenhagenCowboy in as few words as possible....
Me: #WhatTheFuck ?
#whatthefuck #copenhagencowboy
Ya know, lots of people talk shit Netflix but when it really comes down to it nothing beats Roku on the level of shit they have, am dead serious.
This film popped up on my TV feed and I was too afraid to view what it was about lol.
#fuckthisshit #fuckthis #whatthefuck #whodidit #whosincharge #saywhat #roku
This is 4 months ago... #WhatTheFuck?
#antiblackracism #tunisia #whatthefuck
If you know someone who is in need of a good laugh, ruining of the pants, or just a huge smile, I encourage you to go up to them, whisper in their ear, and say, "Hey, I think there's a turd bruing." Walk away as if nothing happened. Yes. These are thoughts that ocasionally wander. #WhatTheFuck
OK, so. If someone makes you feel like a fucking idiot, and sits there in silence as you ponder, maybe they shouldn’t be in your life. Let’s use common sense. Arrogant people will do arrogant people things.😂
@davidho #WhatTheFuck. It sickens me that such shit is happening everywhere. All the time. It is not even a little bit surprising. 😞
Meanwhile in globule britain... Top of every news show for several days is the story of the (now ex) star presenter of a day-time drivel, sorry, popular culture and current affairs show.
Turns out his goody two shoes act was, 'totally shockingly'... an act! Not Peter Perfect after all, nooooo!!??
Good job there's nothing else going on in the entire world to topple this *top story* from the number one spot...
#breakingnews #daytimedivas #whatthefuck
#WhatTheFuck?! I've been a fan of #CamilaCabello and had no idea of this #racist stuff
#antiblack and #antiasian #racism #music #musicians
I had no idea!
#whatthefuck #camilacabello #racist #antiblack #antiAsian #racism #Music #musicians
Why is #CNN giving a platform to unlawful Trump Homeland Security Secretary Chad Fucking Wolf?!?
#whatthefuck #firedavidzaslav #firechrislicht #unfoxcnn #cnn
What the fuck are they thinking in the White House? Someone please explain to me the twisted logic of this decision. Banning any group of people from full participation in society simply based on who they are as human beings is discriminatory. Period. For fuck's sake, Biden, can't you take a strong stand on anything?
#TransRights #HumanRights #TitleIX #Athletes #Sports #HighSchool #Biden #WhatTheFuck
#TransRights #HumanRights #titleix #athletes #sports #HighSchool #biden #whatthefuck
Tell your #fedistory?
Here’s mine:
I’d tried #facebook, but it turned out I didn’t really like much of what the people in my real life had to say. And, you probably won’t believe this but, I’m argumentative. Got in tangles with people on the regular. This was right around 2008 when #Zuckerberg started dictating what we’d see. Ditched it for #twitter and never went back.
Wasn’t on social media at all for years. But decided to give twitter a try around 2018. Really liked it actually. It definitely suited my personality better than facebook. Got a ton of traction with my posts and built a respectable following over 2-3 years. Made some good online friends that, unfortunately, are still there. Ian Welsh being one of them. Carlos Mucha another. @costrike a third, but he was smart and migrated right around the time Elon took over. Took me another month or so.
Funnily enough, when #Elon took over, the popular #leftist tweets I’d been making in the past started going nowhere. Also, leftist accounts I followed, like Ian’s, stopped showing on my feed at the same time. I actually did tests by DM’ing followers to see if we were seeing each others tweets in real time. We weren’t.
This was indisputable proof Elon was politically #sandbagging popular leftist accounts. I’d heard about #Mastodon, but didn’t really know much about it. Did some research. @pluralistic definitely helped me understand the #fediverse. I was like #WhatTheFuck? Where has this been all my life? Thank you @Gargron !!!!
Never going anywhere else. As @aral said the other day:
“There’s stupid and then there’s paying for twitter stupid.”
Amen to that brother.
Peace love and Mastodon, my pachydermal friends.
#fedistory #facebook #zuckerberg #twitter #elon #leftist #sandbagging #mastodon #fediverse #whatthefuck
I know this is preaching to the choir, but it is SO. FUCKING. EXPENSIVE. to be poor. #taxes #WhatTheFuck #adulting
#做夢 #WhatTheFuck #這是哪招
Vous savez quoi ? Ben rien. Je ne faisais que passer.
Ha si ! J'irai bien attaquer le paquet de Pim's à l'orange qu'on m'a livré (avec les courses) ce matin, mais je sens que comme d'habitude, je vais me dire juste 1 et le temps de me retourner, ce ne sera pas 1 gâteau que j'aurai mangé, mais 1 paquet.
Oui, la vie est une dure lutte, je souffre énormément.
#bullshit #WhatTheFuck #LesRacluresEnMarche (même si ça n'a rien à voir) #FautPasPousserMemeDansLesOrties
#bullshit #whatthefuck #lesracluresenmarche #fautpaspoussermemedanslesorties
#WhatTheFuck - maar neen hoor structureel #racisme bestaat niet meer... ;).
Shame on you 'buur uit @2180_Ekeren' - dit is niet hoe we omgaan met elkaar anno #2022. Ook de reden waarom men den "tram" niet wou daar zeker...
PS: Ik kom uit Ekeren, en leef nu gezellig op #Kiel.
RT @HannanDeVos
Een ongeruste buur = een racistische buur.
Aangenaam wonen in Ekeren 🥹