This is un-fucking-fathonable.
#Supernova remnant. #Cassiopeia-A. 340 earth years ago it went boom. Infrared.
I can't fucking focus on it. Like in a dream, trying to read. What the fuck is this detritus?
Motherfucker. I know: this looks like the aftermath of a fucking #orgasm. I should let #nasa know.
#astronomy #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck
#supernova #cassiopeia #orgasm #nasa #astronomy #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck
Plants cry.
Plants fucking cry.
I can-motherfucking-GODDAMN-NOT.
#plantbehavior #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck
#plantbehavior #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck #veganismandvegetarianismarefuckingimmoralandunethical #ilovecheeseburgers
I can't fucking even.
Being sucked into a #blackhole. What looks like. I've wanted to see this my entire life and it scared the fucking fuck outta me!
I don't fucking give a fucking fuck if this is accurate because when the world is accurate it's FUCKING BORING AS GODDAMNED CRAP.
I forgot where I found it on #reddit #astronomy #ALLTHEFUCKINGHASHTAGS
#blackhole #reddit #astronomy #allthefuckinghashtags #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck
Fucking fucking fuck fuck fuck. Motherfuck. Fatherfuck. Brotherfucking fuck. Fucking shit, fucking Jesus fatherfucking Christ on a fucking cracker.
@NovemberMan I thought you'd want to hear this.
#fuck #milkyway #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck #astronomy
I'm on the verge of losing my fucking mind. I'm going to take this way fucking slow.
Images from the #solardynamicsobservatory
Spacecraft. Sun. Took fuckton of pics.
10th anniversary. NASA.
Highlight vid.
#nasa #solardynamicsobservatory #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck #whatthefucksun #fuckyeahfuckingnasabitches #thesunisoneunnaturalparalleltimetraveldemonicsamraimifuckinggod
#jupiter #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck
This is the first ever vagina-on-a-chip.
#vagina #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck