Taken by my beautiful and talented friend Tim.
This looks like a fucking exoplanet, a gas giant with a molten core (it's possible! 😆 Okay, probably not).
The fucking clouds look like smoke seeping from the smoldering earth. The birds are a small, mocking reminder of the concept of life.
This is the kind of shit that made Nietzsche go fucking mad.
#exoplanet #exoplanetnotexoplanet #whatthefucksun
Taken by my beautiful and talented friend Tim.
This looks like a fucking exoplanet, a gas giant with a molten core (it's possible! 😆 Okay, probably not).
The fucking clouds look like smoke seeping from the smoldering earth. The birds are a small, mocking reminder of the concept of life.
This is the kind of shit that drove Nietzsche go fucking mad.
#exoplanet #exoplanetnotexoplanet #whatthefucksun
Taken by my friend Tim.
This looks like a fucking exoplanet, a gas giant with a molten core (it's possible! 😆 Okay, probably not).
The fucking clouds look like smoke seeping from the smoldering earth. The birds are a small, mocking reminder of the concept of life.
This is the kind of shit that drove Nietzsche go fucking mad.
#exoplanet #exoplanetnotexoplanet #whatthefucksun
I don't even know what to fucking say.
I've never seen anything so goddamned delicate and graceful as that fucking filament erupted. The way it fucking reached out like the fucking fingers of a demented, demonic #fairy. But the way the filament also was sucked back into the sun.
Jesus Christ on a fucking Ritz cracker. That was the most elegant fucking violent thing I've seen since #JohnWick.
The fucking #sun is fucking metal.
#fairy #johnwick #sun #astronomy #whatthefucksun
I'm on the verge of losing my fucking mind. I'm going to take this way fucking slow.
Images from the #solardynamicsobservatory
Spacecraft. Sun. Took fuckton of pics.
10th anniversary. NASA.
Highlight vid.
#nasa #solardynamicsobservatory #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck #whatthefucksun #fuckyeahfuckingnasabitches #thesunisoneunnaturalparalleltimetraveldemonicsamraimifuckinggod