Where my peeps at? I had a recent experience with a fellow guy, similar to me in some ways: also around 50, born in the US, spent a LOT of time in India before 10, ESL like me.

Dude called me a Bad Indian.

Why? I was not familiar with the smell of the curry leaf.

It was so ridiculous I burst out laughing. This was some granular -ism. And the 1st time I’ve heard someone say what we know many desis think, but express in more oblique manners.

But the fucker called me a again an hour later (I don’t recall why, but it’s irrelevant), and he didn’t hide his judginess by pretending he was joking this time (he was immediately inducted into my Shitlist Hall of Fame 🏆🏆🏆).

I’m not insulted as I’ve made no effort to be a ‘good’ Indian in decades. Technically, he’s not wrong.

But he is a dick, and illustrates what’s wrong with Indian society and why I’ve shielded my kids from it.

#desi #indianamerican #whatwilltheythink #badindian

Last updated 2 years ago