Has anyone ever seen someone wearing both a #MAGA hat AND a #WWJD wristband? I suspect one or the other would burst into flames due to sheer incompatibility.
Tää jotenkin nyt taas osuu ajankohtaisuuden hermoon.
I want another pint of beer. #WhatWouldJesusDo ?
On the one hand he turned water into wine, you drink wine for communion.
On the other hand loads of fundamentalist anti gay anti abortionists, and capitalist factory owners want you to abstain. And say it's a sin.
Another drink then. I'll bike it off later.
A Christian Nation? Understanding the Threat of Christian Nationalism to American Democracy and Culture
Good report and timely.
Chart showing Adherents, Sympathizers, Skeptics and Rejectors of Christian Nationalism based on a 5 question survey of 6,000 Americans.
#WhiteChristianNationalism #ChristoFascists #WhatWouldJesusDo
#WhiteChristianNationalism #ChristoFascists #whatwouldjesusdo
I remember when #conservative #Christians loved the slogan #WhatWouldJesusDo?
As an #atheist I'm more #Christian than they are.
#conservative #christians #whatwouldjesusdo #atheist #christian #wwjd
@pzmyers whenever someone asks #WhatWouldJesusDo , a biblically accurate answer is:
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Jesus would have taken public transit.
Someone make that a bumper sticker
#PublicTransit #urbanism #urbanists #BumperStickers #whatwouldjesusdo #wwjd #FuckCars #Religion
#religion #fuckcars #wwjd #whatwouldjesusdo #bumperstickers #urbanists #urbanism #publictransit
I keep thinking of the story in #Matthew, in which #Joseph, #Mary, and #Jesus flee to Egypt to escape persecution. I don't know whether it's historically accurate, but I assume that politically #conservative #Christians in the USA do.
So do these professedly Christian law makers, #policy makers, and #governors ask themselves if they would treat Joseph, Mary, and Jesus this way?
I just don't get it.
@uspolitics @religion
#matthew #joseph #mary #jesus #conservative #christians #policy #governors #refugees #whatwouldjesusdo #christianity