firewyre · @firewyre
104 followers · 1670 posts · Server

What absolutely ridiculous thing would you do if you had a billion dollars? I would wear a brand new pair of socks everyday for the rest of my life. ?


Last updated 1 year ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
118 followers · 838 posts · Server

However, if the hostage is taken out of the building and kidnapped, particularly if they're being led to a vehicle, then the experts advise doing all but Option 3 ("staying as quiet as possible"). As for Option 4, in a hostage crisis, law enforcement is likely on its way, so staying away from the assailant's head increases survival odds. Read more:


#whatwouldyoudo #lawenforcement #crimeprevention #crime #bankrobbert #personalsafety #Safety #question #Poll #polls

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
108 followers · 776 posts · Server

However, if the hostage is taken out of the building & kidnapped, particularly if they're being led to a vehicle, then the experts advise doing all but Option 3 ("staying as quiet as possible"). As for Option 4, in a hostage crisis, law enforcement is likely on its way, so staying away from the assailant's head increases survival odds. Read more:


#whatwouldyoudo #lawenforcement #crimeprevention #crime #bankrobbert #personalsafety #Safety #question #Poll #polls

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
118 followers · 838 posts · Server

This poll is closed, so I can now reveal the answer. Note: The most significant clue to help you figure out the correct answer(s) is the following detail: The robber has dragged the hostage OUT the door. This changes everything. Normally, if the hostage is still in the building, law enforcement experts recommend following all of the choices listed in this poll.


#whatwouldyoudo #lawenforcement #crimeprevention #crime #bankrobbert #personalsafety #Safety #question #Poll #polls #PollResults

Last updated 2 years ago

You are on a subway train. The loudspeaker scratches and clicks a few times before a gruff voice announces, "Everybody off at the next stop! No ticket refunds." In the background, a second voice yells, "Help me, pl..." but you cannot hear the rest because the loudspeaker cuts out. The train screeches to a halt. The doors open. Do you...?

#Community #Mastodon #writingcommunity #write #writingprompt #prompt #Writing #writer #chooseyourownadventure #subway #whatwouldyoudo #polls #Poll #pleaseboost

Last updated 2 years ago

You are on a subway train. The loudspeaker scratches & clicks a few times before a gruff voice announces, "Everybody off at the next stop! No ticket refunds." In the background, a second voice yells, "Help me, pl..." but you cannot hear the rest because the loudspeaker cuts out. The train screeches to a halt. The doors open. Do you...?

#Community #Mastodon #writingcommunity #write #writingprompt #prompt #Writing #writer #chooseyourownadventure #subway #whatwouldyoudo #polls #Poll #pleaseboost

Last updated 2 years ago

You are on a subway train. The loudspeaker scratches & clicks a few times before a gruff voice announces, "Everybody off at the next stop! No ticket refunds." In the background, a second voice yells, "Help me, pl..." but you cannot hear the rest because the loudspeaker cuts out. The train screeches to a halt. The doors open. Do you...?

#writingprompt #prompt #Writing #MastodonCommunity #Community #Mastodon #chooseyourownadventure #subway #whatwouldyoudo #hypothetical #polls #Poll

Last updated 2 years ago

You are standing in line at a bank when a robbery occurs. One of the robbers points a gun at your forehead and takes you hostage, dragging you out the rear emergency exit. Which actions, according to law enforcement experts, are most likely to save your life? I'll reveal the correct answer(s) after the poll closes, so follow me if you want to know the correct answers.πŸ˜‰

#whatwouldyoudo #lawenforcement #crimeprevention #crime #Bankrobbery #personalsafety #Safety #question #Poll #pleaseboost

Last updated 2 years ago

You are standing in line at a bank when a robbery occurs. One of the robbers points a gun to your forehead and takes you hostage, dragging you toward the rear emergency exit. Which actions, according to law-enforcement experts, are most likely to save your life? I'll reveal the correct answer(s) after the poll closes, so follow me if you want to know the correct answers.πŸ˜‰

#whatwouldyoudo #lawenforcement #crimeprevention #crime #Bankrobbery #personalsafety #Safety #question #Poll #pleaseboost

Last updated 2 years ago

You are standing in line at a bank when a robbery occurs. One of the robbers points a gun to your forehead and takes you hostage, dragging you toward the rear emergency exit. Which actions, according to law-enforcement experts, are most likely to save your life? I'll reveal the correct answer(s) after the poll closes, so follow me if you want to know the correct answers.πŸ˜‰

#whatwouldyoudo #lawenforcement #crimeprevention #crime #Bankrobbery #personalsafety #Safety #question #Poll #pleaseboost

Last updated 2 years ago

You are standing in line at a bank when a robbery occurs. One of the robbers points a gun to your forehead and takes you hostage, dragging you toward the rear emergency exit. Which actions, according to law-enforcement experts, are most likely to save your life?

#scenario #hypothetical #whatwouldyoudo #lawenforcement #crisis #hostage #crimeprevention #crime #robbery #bank #personalsafety #Safety #question #Poll

Last updated 2 years ago

You are standing in line at a bank when a robbery occurs. One of the robbers points a gun to your forehead and takes you hostage, dragging you toward the emergency rear exit. Which actions, according to law-enforcement experts, are most likely to save your life?

#scenario #hypothetical #whatwouldyoudo #lawenforcement #crisis #hostage #crimeprevention #crime #robbery #bank #personalsafety #Safety #question #Poll

Last updated 2 years ago

Adrianne L. Watson · @MinAdrianne
343 followers · 561 posts · Server

What would you do if your boss asked you to lie about something or do something unethical? I have a friend who asked me this question. I was wondering what your response would be. I said to my friend, β€œtell the boss respectfully no and start looking for a new job.”

#bosses #jobs #liars #lies #blackmastodon #whatwouldyoudo #employment #employers #employee #fediverse #mastondonquestions

Last updated 2 years ago

Multo Sakalye · @multosakalye
111 followers · 364 posts · Server

The present is about to be erased. In front of you is one portal that leads to 50 years into the past and another portal leading to 50 years into the future.

Whichever you decide, you retain all the knowledge and information you currently know.

You have 30 seconds to decide.

Which portal do you enter? And why?

#art #design #tech #movies #books #scifi #science #philosophy #mastodon #whatwouldyoudo

Last updated 2 years ago

Aconite · @aconite27
0 followers · 15 posts · Server

Home and small business here in the UK have a small removable card; this card has the SSID, password and admin password for the router on it.

Today I was at a cafe that had the card displayed at the counter. I was tempted to take a photo but opted for providing unsolicited advice instead.

#router #doinggood #whatwouldyoudo #cyberhygiene

Last updated 2 years ago