If you didn’t see Roy Wood Jr.’s remarks at the #WHCADinner, you missed out. Not a fan of the obvious hypocrisy of the event, but I think he did an excellent job. #RoyWoodJr
Here’s how The Hill sums up the #WHCADinner: https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/3980129-roy-wood-jr-defends-media-takes-on-king-of-scandals-trump-and-bidens-naps-at-correspondents-dinner/
Good summary here of the #WHCADinner from Paul Farhi: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/04/30/biden-white-house-correspondents-dinner/
It would have been a 30-minute walk to the Time after-party so skipped that — but there was a convenient shuttle bus to the NBC event here at the OAS. #WHCADinner
If you are still on the bird app, congratulate @dougjballoon for me for his shout-out from Biden at the #WHCADinner
There was talk during the Trump Administration of ending it or boycotting it. That seems to have ended with Biden, who I hear has good writers and good jokes.
I’m glad they’re having fun but (call me very old school or something) I still think it’s distasteful for journalists to glam up and rub elbows with the powerful.
If I were part of #whca I would buy a plate or donate but no, you wouldn’t catch me at #WHCADinner. And if I were, I’d be trying to ask questions.
Tamara Keith looking like a tribute to Holly Hunter in Broadcast News! Gorgeous.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #WHCADinner
“Speaking of assholes, Don Lemon is out of a job,” adds Roy Wood, Jr. #WHCADinner
Daily Show comedian Roy Wood, Jr. tells President Biden at the #WHCADinner “we have to get Tucker (Carlson) back on the air because there’s millions of people who don’t know why they hate you.”
President Biden, in a humorous jab at Fox News, says it is now owned by Dominion Voting Systems and its reporters are at the #WHCADinner because "they couldn't say no to a free meal.”
“Journalism is not a crime. Evan and Austin should be released immediately,” says President Biden at #WHCADinner.
The press is the pillar of a free society, not the enemy, President Biden tells #WHCADinner.
Standing ovation at the #WHCADinner for a colleague being held in a prison in #Russia — #EvanGershkovich of the Wall Street Journal.
#whcadinner #russia #evangershkovich
“We are stand-ins for the American people,” says WHCA President Tamara Keith at the event she calls America’s biggest annual celebration of the #FirstAmendment. #WHCADinner
Here at the Washington Hilton, ahead of his remarks to the #WHCADinner, President Biden and the First Lady, Jill Biden, “are participating in a pull-aside meeting with the family of Evan Gershkovich,” according to the White House.
Politico says multiple partygoers who had RSVP’d to Time’s #WHCADinner after-party tonight at the Swiss ambassador’s residence were indormed: “Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot confirm you on the list,” ...We are one of many sponsors of the event and while you were confirmed on our invitation list, the host was unable to confirm you on the master list ... due to capacity limits and for security reasons.”