The warm home discount is now only for those in the pension guarantee. The goal posts have been moved so far out of reach for the people it was meant for many millions of vulnerable & disabled will be literally left out in the cold this winter. Read my blog:
#warmhomediscount #disabled #vulnerable #chronicconditions #ehlersdanlossyndrome #pensionguarantee #whd2022 #WHD #winteriscoming #leftoutinthecold #meanstolive
#warmhomediscount #disabled #vulnerable #chronicconditions #ehlersdanlossyndrome #pensionguarantee #whd2022 #WHD #winterIsComing #leftoutinthecold #meanstolive
#WorldHabitatDay 2022 #WHD2022
The 15-Minute City, Scroll of Honour
La ciudad de los 15 minutos, Pergamino de Honor
La ville du 1/4 d’heure, Parchemin d'honneur
Tks | Merci | Gracias 🏵🙏🏻
#worldhabitatday #whd2022 #JourneeMondialedelhabitat #diamundialdelhabitat #mindthegap