✅ Supporting #RiskCommunication, #CommunityEngagement and #InfodemicManagement (RCCE-IM) planning for health emergencies in the Western Balkans.
👉 Evidence-based RCCE-IM is crucial to effective health emergency response, which protects health and saves lives.
#WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub #WHE #RCCE #IM #UnitedActionForBetterHealth
#riskcommunication #communityengagement #infodemicmanagement #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #whe #rcce #im #unitedactionforbetterhealth
At the mark of WHO European Office for Europe‘s fourth year of the #COVID19 Pandemic and the entire health #emergency response, the #WHE #RCE and #Comms Teams met to discuss and plan for the future of #emergency and corporate #communications.
#WHOImpact #HealthForAll #RCCE #WHEBalkanHub
#COVID19 #emergency #whe #rce #comms #communications #whoimpact #healthforall #rcce #whebalkanhub
Well-designed #RCCE interventions has been a major factor in the successful implementation of a variety of #COVID19 public health measures, from testing, contact tracing and hygiene measures, through to the roll-out of #vaccines.
#WHOImpact #HealthForAll #WHOEuropeanOfficeForEurope #WHE
#rcce #COVID19 #vaccines #whoimpact #healthforall #whoeuropeanofficeforeurope #whe
#Risk #communication and #community #engagement (RCCE) interventions are vital to saving lives during emergencies and that’s why #RCCE is becoming a core pillar in #emergency #preparedness and #response.
#WHOImpact #HealthForAll #WHOEuropeanOfficeForEurope #Comms #WHE #RCE #WHEBalkanHub
#risk #communication #community #engagement #rcce #emergency #preparedness #response #whoimpact #healthforall #whoeuropeanofficeforeurope #comms #whe #rce #whebalkanhub