Found a good way to make decent crepes that do not contain wheat. I used oats and rice and the flavour was good! The batter was also quite runny so I managed to get really thin and crispy ones. #crepes #cooking #wheatfree
These are lovely fresh sourdough bagels. Which have the proper texture bagels should have.
They’re also #GlutenFree and #WheatFree
It’s been a long while since I last had a bagel like this!
Sometimes I think I shouldn’t go near food websites… went to order one thing & then discovered a load of other #WheatFree and #GlutenFree products….
This is amaranth in cultivation in Greece, where it is called βλήτα (vlíta) and harvested for its leaves, which are boiled and eaten as a summer salad.
The second image shows the plant coming into flower. When allowed to set seed, it produces amaranth grain, increasingly in use by those avoiding wheat. As a flour, it has makes a delightfully crunchy coating for fried foods I recommend even to wheat eaters. #wheatfree #greens #traditionalfood #GreekFood #agriculture #food #growingfood #Greece
#greece #growingfood #food #agriculture #greekfood #traditionalfood #greens #wheatfree