Pottery Monday (my third of the new year) and I was so happy finally to get a little height going on! A mug and a plant pot on the making, maybe? #Pottery #Ceramics #WheelThrownPottery #WheelThrownCeramics #Stoneware #PotteryStudio
#potterystudio #stoneware #wheelthrownceramics #wheelthrownpottery #ceramics #pottery
My breakfast bowls came out of the kiln looking lovely! Excited to start throwing vessels with a little more height from January. #Pottery #Ceramics #WheelThrownPottery #WheelThrownCeramics #Stoneware #PotteryStudio
#potterystudio #stoneware #wheelthrownceramics #wheelthrownpottery #ceramics #pottery
Pottery Monday was all about glazing today. I can't wait to see how these breakfast bowls come out! #Pottery #Ceramics #WheelThrownPottery #WheelThrownCeramics #Stoneware #PotteryStudio
#potterystudio #stoneware #wheelthrownceramics #wheelthrownpottery #ceramics #pottery
Pottery Monday was all about glazing today. I can't wait to see how these breakfast bowls come out! #Pottery #Ceramics #WheelThrownPottery #WheelThrownCeramics #Stoneware #PotteryStudio
#potterystudio #stoneware #wheelthrownceramics #wheelthrownpottery #ceramics #pottery
Pottery Monday! Tonight in the studio I got my three bowls ready for their first firing and - free of the stress of that - threw two pots with a little more height. Delighted with myself! #Pottery #Ceramics #WheelThrownPottery #WheelThrownCeramics #Stoneware #PotteryStudio
#potterystudio #stoneware #wheelthrownceramics #wheelthrownpottery #ceramics #pottery
Pot progress! If all goes well with firing, I’ll have three breakfast bowls to give as gifts next month! 🙌 #Pottery #Ceramics #WheelThrownPottery #WheelThrownCeramics #Stoneware #PotteryStudio
#potterystudio #stoneware #wheelthrownceramics #wheelthrownpottery #ceramics #pottery
Tonight in the pottery studio was all about turning. It's been a long time (12 years!) but it is coming back to me.
My hands remember even if my brain has forgotten!
I am loving every second, especially because my fellow potters are all lovely and we have a laugh amidst all the life-chat.
#Pottery #Ceramics #WheelThrownPottery
#Stoneware #PotteryStudio
#potterystudio #stoneware #wheelthrownceramics #wheelthrownpottery #ceramics #pottery